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Author Index: I-R |
Volumes 44-58 1991-2005 |
Ikram, Salima, "Cambyses' Lost Army" 53:5.18 [NB]
_____, "Rock the Oasis" 3/13/06
Insoll, Timothy A., "Trade & Empire: The Road to Timbuktu" 53:6.48-52
Isbell, William H., "Beer of Kings" 57:6.32-33
Iseminger, William R., "Mighty Cahokia" 49:3.30-35,37
_____, "Peopling Poverty Point" 55:1.63 [R,B]
Jackson, Lawrence J., "Lucky Day at Tiger Mound" 47:1.60-62
Jacobson, Esther, "Siberia's Gorno-Altay: Crossroads of Cultures" 44:5.46-53
Jaeger, Harry A., and William E. Trout, "Vintage Canal Boats" 51:6.22 [NB]
James, Jamie, "Sacred Caves of Madhya Pradesh" 47:5:60-62 [T]
James, Jamie, and Russell Ciochon, "Voyage to Vietnam" 46:4.48-50
Jennings, Justin, "Ruins on the Rapids" 56:6:30-35
Johanson, Donald, "Lucy Turns Thirty" 57:6:16 [CV]
Johanson, MaryAnn, "Real Archaeologists Wear Whips" 56:6:58 [R,MM]
Johnson, William Gray, and Colleen M. Beck, "Proving Ground of the Nuclear Age" 48:3:42-47,49
Jones, Bernice R., "Revealing Minoan Fashions" 53:3:36-41
Jones, Rick, "Pompeii's Block of Time" 56:4.22-29
Jones, Rick, Jarrett Lobell, and Gary Devore, "The Anglo-American Project in Pompeii" 6-8/01
Jones, Rick, Lisa Mignone, and Damian Robinson, "In Vesuvius' Shadow" 6-8/02
Kaestle, Frederika, "Molecule Sleuth" 55:5.68 [R,B]
Kane, Daniel C., "Mural Flap" 55:1.10 [NB]
_____, "Enigma in Stone" 55:2.60-67 [L]
Kardulias, P. Nick, Timothy E. Gregory, and Mark A. Dann, "Re-creating a Frankish Town" 50:3.54-58
Karsmizki, Kenneth W., "Steam Machines" 7/1/98
Kasdan, Andrew, "Egyptian Tomb in Israel" 50:1.25 [NB]
_____, "Roman Lioness in Scotland" 50:4.14 [NB]
Katz, Phyllis Pollak, "Mediterranean Ports of Call" 45:4.59-61
Katz, Solomon H., and Fritz Maytag, "Brewing an Ancient Beer" 44:4.24-27
_____, "Secrets of the Stanzas" 44:4.28-31
_____, "A Thrilling Link with the Past" 44:4.32-33
Kays, Joseph M., "An End to the Romanov Riddle" 46:1.22-23 [NB]
Keegan, William F., "Beachhead in the Bahamas: Columbus Encounters a New World" 45:1.44-48,50
_____, "Destruction of the Taíno" 45:1.51-54,56
_____, "Death Toll" 45:1.55
_____, "Riddles of Columbus" 45:1.55
_____, "Christopher Columbus: The Movie" 45:6.92 [F]
Keene, Ben, "Oldest Bridge in Ireland" 5/6/98
Keith, Donald H., and Toni L. Carrell, "The Hunt for the Gallega" 44:1.55-59
Keith Katherine Drouin, "Back at the Ranch" 53:1.24-27; 83 [AS]
Kelley, Ike, "Looters Jailed" 51:1.28 [NB]
Kelly, John E., "East St. Louis Yields a Satellite Settlement" 49:3.36
Kennedy, David, Rifat Ergec, and Philip Freeman, "Mining the Mosaics of Roman Zeugma" 48:2.54-55
Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark, "Birth of a Civilization" 51:1.54-61
_____, "Challenges in Pakistan" 55:2.19,21 [SR]
Kepecs, Susan, "Saving Old Havanna" 55:2.42-47
_____, "Mammoth for Dinner" 55:4.50-54
Keys, David, "Europe's First Mummies" 56:5.16-17 [SR]
_____, "Pre-Christian Rituals at Nazareth
" 56:6.10 [NB]
_____, "Assault on Tradition" 56:6.64-67 [L]
_____, "The Executioner's Moat" 57:2.12 [NB]
_____, "Kingdom of the Sands" 57:2.24-29
_____, "Colonizing Cretans" 57:3.10 [NB]
_____, "Rethinking the Picts" 57:5.40-44
_____, "Medieval Houses of God, or Ancient Fortresses" 57:6.10 [NB]
_____, "Indonesia's Lost World: Shaking Up the Family Tree" 10/28/04
_____, "Did Thames Wreck Take on the Armada? " 58:2.10-11 [SR]
Kiers, Roger, "Icon of the Northwest" 56:1.60 [R,M]
Kinney, Anne Behnke, "Infancy and the Spirit World in Ancient China" 48:5.49-52
Kindya, Kimberly A., "Priam's Treasure to Be Displayed" 48:1.15 [NB]
_____, "Ancient Lead Pollution" 48:1.15 [NB]
_____, "Fugitive Slave Hideout?" 48:1.22 [NB]
Klein, Julia M., "Dig Before Depot" 56:3.10 [NB]
_____, "Human History in a Nutshell" 57:1.58-59 [R,B]
_____, "The Looting Game" 57:6.56 [R,B]
_____, "Adventures in Andean Archaeology" 58:3:51 [R,B]
_____, "Living the Legends" 58:6.52 [R,MM]
_____, "Kings or Chieftains?" 59:1.50 [R,B]
Klingelhofer, Eric, "Castle of the Faerie Queene" 52:2.48-52
Klingenberg, Erik, "Unique Terra-Cotta Fragments" 51:2.20 [NB]
Knudsen, Sandra E., "The Romance of Ruins" 58:4.54 [R,M]
Koloski-Ostrow, Ann Olga "Villa Re-excavation" 47:2.23 [NB]
Koppel, Tom, "Ice Age Swashbucklers?" 58:5.49 [R,B]
Korfmann, Manfred, "Was There a Trojan War?" 57:3.36-41
Kouwenhoven, Arlette P., "Tut's Threads" 48:6.22-23 [NB]
_____, "Largest, Heaviest Book" 49:3.24 [NB]
_____, "World's Oldest Spears" 50:3.25 [NB]
Krejci, Jaromir, and Lyla P. Brock, "Czech Egyptologists Open Shaft Tomb" 5/27/98
Kroll, John H., "Athens' Coin Palace" 53:3.64 [M]
Küçük, Mine, and Orrin C. Shane, III, "The World's First City" 51:2.43-47
_____, "Deep Probe at Çatal" 52:3.19 [NB]
Kumar, M., "Asokan Stupa Found" 10/4/00
_____, "Harappan Jewelry" 10/10/00
_____, "Aqua Dholavira" 53:6.22 [NB]
_____, "News From Northern India" 11/28/00
Kyle, Donald G., "Winning at Olympia" 49:4.26-29,31,33-34,36-37
Lacovara, Peter, Sue D'Auria, and Therese O'Gorman, "New Life for the Dead" 54:5.22-27
Lagiewski, Maciej, "Ancient Grave Desecration" 44:6.22 [NB]
Langford, Norma Jane, "Colonial Boston Unearthed" 9/26/97
Lapatin, Kenneth D.S., "Not a Forgery. How About a Pastiche?" 52:4.58-59
_____, "Snake Goddess, Fake Goddess" 54:1.33-36
_____, "Talking About Fakes" 3/2/04
Larick, Roy, and Russell Ciochon, "The First Asians" 49:1.51-53
_____, "Early Homo erectus Tools in China" 53:1.14-15 [NB]
Larsen, Clark Spencer, "Telltale Bones" 45:2.43-46
Lattanzi, Giovanni, "Cemetery of Statues" 45:6.46-49
_____, "Italy's Bermuda Triangle" 47:2.19 [NB]
_____, "Statue Fragments Found" 47:6.24 [NB]
_____, "Umbrian Tombs" 50:4.18 [NB]
_____, "New Mosaic" 50:5.19 [NB]
_____, "Viking Ship in Russian Waters" 7/29/97
_____, "Abruzzo's Lush Afterlife" 57:5.10 [NB]
Laumbach, Karl W., "Fire Fight at Hembrillo Basin" 54:6.34-39
Lawler, Andrew, "Iran Beckons" 57:3.46-51
Leakey, Meave, "Perspectives on the Past" 52:4.32-33
LeBlanc, Steven A., "Prehistory of Warfare" 53:6.18-25
Lee, Hugh M., "Stadia and Starting Gates" 49:4.35
Lei, Xiong, "Guge: Tibet's Long-Lost Kingdom" 56:3.36-39
Lekson, Stephen, "Pueblos of the Mesa Verde" 48:5.54-57
_____, "Rewriting Southwestern Prehistory" 50:1.52-55
_____, "Chaco Death Squads" 52:3.67-73 [B]
_____, "Flight of the Anasazi" 54:5.44-47
Leonard, Kathryn, "Going to the Dogs" 54:4.15 [NB]
_____, "Fiery Finds" 55:5.16 [NB]
Lepper, Bradley T., "Tracking Ohio's Great Hopewell Road" 48:6.52-56
Lev, Sergey, and Hizri Amirkhanov, "A Palaeolithic Work of Art" 55:5.11 [NB]
Levin, Aaron, "Calvert Coffins Update" 46:2.21-22 [NB]
Lewis-Williams, J.D., "Images of the Spirit World" 52:3.61-63
Levy, Philip, "Always a Handmaiden--Never a Bride" 2/23/00
Levy, Thomas E., Alan J. Witten, and David Alon, "Denizens of the Desert" 49:2.36-40
Limbach, Ian, "The Axum Obelisk Returns, but Some Still Grumble" 58:4.10-11 [SR]
Limberis, Natalya Y., and Ivan I. Marchenko, "Caucasus Kurgan Cache" 53:5.12-13 [NB]
Lindbergh, Judith, "Denizens of the Desert" 53:4.64-66 [M]
Lindesay, William, "In the Shadow of the Wall" 56:6.36-41
Littleton, C. Scott, "Were the Sarmatians the Source of Arthurian Legend?" 50:1.48
Lobell, Jarrett A., "Move Over, Pompeii" 55:2.10 [NB]
_____, "Cashing in on the Colosseum" 55:2.10 [NB]
_____, "From Baghdad With Gold" 55:3.9 [NB]
_____, "Render Unto Ethiopia..." 55:3.10 [NB]
_____, "Crime Pays" 55:4.9 [NB]
_____, "Etruscan Pompeii" 55:4.12 [NB]
_____, "Bronze-Age Venice" 55:4.15 [NB]
_____, "Buddha Gets a Makeover" 55:5.19 [NB]
_____, "Digging Napoleon's Dead" 55:5.40-43
_____, "Archaeologists 2, Footballers 0" 55:6.12 [NB]
_____, "A Colorful Surprise" 55:6.14 [NB]
_____, "Baby Buddhas" 55:6.13 [NB]
_____, "Gods of Nemrut Dag" 55:6.32-35
_____, "Lover's Memorial" 56:1.15 [NB]
_____, "Leapin' Olympians" 56:1.18-19 [NB]
_____, "Astonishing Discovery in Henan" 56:1.21 [NB]
_____, "Chinese Chimes and Chariots" 56:2.8-9 [NB]
_____, "Roman Warship Resurfaces" 56:2.11 [NB]
_____, "Inner Sanctum Discovery" 56:2.12 [NB]
_____, "Warriors of Clay" 56:2.36-39
_____, "Bountiful Celtic Burials" 56:3.8 [NB]
_____, "Silk Road Theft" 56:3.11 [NB]
_____, "Classics in the City of Brotherly Love" 56:3.58-59 [R,M]
_____, "Voices from the Ashes" 56:4.28-31
_____, "Timeless Style" 56:4.58-59 [R,M]
_____, "Live from Inner Mongolia" 56:5.10 [NB]
_____, "Ancestromorphs?" 56:5.13 [NB]
_____, "Quarry Excavations" 56:5.15 [NB]
_____, "Suburban Villa Life" 56:5.61 [R,M]
_____, "Tilya Tepe Triumph" 56:6.11 [NB]
_____, "Viking Hoard" 56:6.15 [NB]
_____, "Olympic Find" 56:6.15 [NB]
_____, "Breast Is Best" 56:6.16 [NB]
_____, "Classical Kids" 56:6:60 [R,M]
_____, "Detecting Two Fantastic Finds" 57:1:10 [NB]
_____, "A Warrior's Tomb" 57:2:36-39
_____, "Acropolis Museum Back on Track" 57:4:10-11 [NB]
_____, "Does Greece Need the Olympics?" 57:4:20-27
_____, "Vesuvian Villas" 57:5:54 [R,M]
_____, "Myth in Marble" 58:4:26-29
Lobell, Jarrett, Rick Jones, and Gary Devore, "The Anglo-American Project in Pompeii" 6/01
Logan, Nicole Prevost, "Mining Moscow's Past" 45:2.72 [F]
_____, "The View from Mount Mithridates" 47:6.69-72,74-75 [L]
_____, "Moscow Reclaims Its Past" 50:4.26-35
_____, "Vintage Moscow" 52:1.20 [NB]
_____, "Vive l'Archéologie" 54:3.67-68 [M]
Lontcho, Frédéric, "Before the Pyramids" 4/28/99
_____, "Chariots Grounded at Paris Airport" 52:6.12 [NB]
_____, "Georgian Homo erectus Crania" 53:1.22 [NB]
_____, "Rare Etruscan Wreck" 53:3.12-13 [NB]
Loorya, Alyssa, Christopher Ricciardi, and H. Arthur Bankoff, "Remembering Africa Under the Eaves" 54:3.36-40
Lorblanchet, Michel, "Spitting Images: Replicating the Spotted Horses of Pech Merle" 44:6.24-31
Love, Myron, "Northern Nomads Reconsidered" 46:6.22 [NB]
_____, "Phips' Ship Found" 4/7/97
Lowenthal, David, "Archaeology's Perilous Pleasures" 53:2.62-66
Lubelski, Amy, "Murder, They Wrote" 52:2.86-88 [B]
_____, "In the Field with Agatha Christie" 55:2.56-57 [R,M]
Luehrsen, Mary L. "Learning from Early Man" 47:1.26-27 [SR]
Lyon, David, "Park in the Prairie" 45:5.24 [NB]
Lyons, Beauvais, "Art of the Trickster" 47:2.72 [F]
Macari, Marisa, "War & Heritage: Is Ancient Iraq Being Protected?" 5/27/03
_____, "Last Shot for Schultz?" 5/29/03
_____, "Smithsonian Update" 3/19/03
_____, "Rewriting Cypriot History" 56:5.57 [R,B]
MacGillivray, J. Alexander, "Labyrinths and Bull-Leapers" 53:6.53-55
MacMahon, Darcie, and Kathleen Deagan, "Legacy of Fort Mose" 49:5.54-58
Magnusson, Magnus, and Herman Palsson, "Leif Explores Vinland" 44:5.28-29
Main, Jeremy, "A Vanished El Dorado" 54:2.46-51
Mair, Victor H., "Mummies of the Tarim Basin" 48:2.28-35
Malakoff, David, "The Verdant Past" 57:4.58 [R,B]
Malpass, Michael, "Trekking the Inca Heartland" 56:2.59 [R,B]
Man, Wong How, "Hanging Coffins of the Bo People" 44:5.64-67 [IF]
_____, "A Tradition of Ethnic Discrimination" 44:5.67
Mansberger, Floyd, and Christopher Stratton, "Seven Rare Canal Boats Found" 7/1/98
Marchenko, Ivan I., and Natalya Y. Limberis, "Caucasus Kurgan Cache" 53:5.12-13 [NB]
Mardis, Scott E., "The Last Neandertals" 48:5:12-13 [NB]
_____, "Inquiry Sought" 48:5.13 [NB]
_____, "Document DNA" 48:5.15
_____, "Cold Storage" 48:6.23-24 [NB]
Markgraf, Sarah, "Flawed Portrait" 57:5.58 [R,B]
Martel, Arlene R., "Attention All Shoppers" 44:5.19 [NB]
Martinez, Desireé Reneé, "Native Take on History" 58:1.58 [R,MM]
Marshack, Alexander, "Images of the Ice Age" 48:4.28-36,38-39
Martin, Simon, "Maya Turncoat" 56:4.12 [NB]
Martin, Simon, and Nikolai Grube, "Maya Superstates" 48:6.41-46
Mason, Carol I., "This Ain't the English Department" 53:2.32-35 [AS]
Maschner, Herbert, and Katherine Reedy-Maschner, "Letter From Alaska: Aleuts and the Sea" 58:2.63-70 [L]
Mayor, Adrienne, "Guardians of The Gold" 47:6.52-58
_____, "Those Wild and Hairy Arimaspeans!" 47:6.55
_____, "Flights of Imagination" 47:6.59
_____, "Mad Honey!" 48:6.32-35,37-40
_____, "Weapons of War" 48:6.36
_____, "The Lure of Wild Honey" 48:6.38-39
_____, "Fiery Finery" 50:2.54-58
_____, "People Illustrated" 52:2.54-57
_____, "A Time of Giants and Monsters" 53:2.58-61
McCann, Anna Marguerite, "High-Tech Linkup for Kids" 44:1.44-45
McCarthy, Daniel, "Fighting Fire in the Trenches" 57:2.16 [CV]
McDermott, John, "Uncommon Light" 55:2.36-41
McGahan, Jason, "Maya Sites Face Flooding" 2/19/03
McGill, Theresa A., "Ancient European Hearth" 50:6.19 [NB]
_____, "Making a Megalith" 4/7/97
McGovern, Patrick E., "Wine for Eternity" 51:4.28-34
McGuire, Randall H., "The Gringo Stigma" 47:4.72 [F]
_____, "Letter From Ludlow: Colorado Coalfield Massacre " 57:6.62-70
McIntosh, Roderick J., "Plight of Ancient Jenne" 47:3.32-33
_____, "Genius of the Beni" 47:3.53-55 [M]
_____, "Riddle of Great Zimbabwe" 51:4.44-49
_____, "Africa's Storied Past" 52:3.54-60
_____, "Listening to the Mill" 52:6.54-56
McNutt, Nan, "Saving Tradition" 44:1.42
McPherson, Christopher Geoffrey, "China Alley Exposed" 44:6.21 [NB]
_____, "Eye for Artifacts" 45:1.24-25 [NB]
_____, "Tonto Mounds Surprise" 45:4.16-17 [NB]
_____, "Flap Over Catacomb Site" 46:5.19 [NB]
McVicker, Mary, "Parlours to Pyramids" 53:6.60-62
Meighan, Clement W., "Burying American Archaeology" 47:6.64,66,68 [VP]
Meiyue, Zhou, "Oldest Village in China" 46:4.22 [NB]
Meltzer, David J., "North America's Vast Legacy" 52:1.50-59
Meltzer, David J., and Tom D. Dillehay, "The Search for the Earliest Americans" 52:1.60-61
Mench, Fred, "Maximus to the Rescue" 56:5.60 [R,B]
Merola, Marco, "Alexander, Piece by Piece" 59:1.36-40
Merritt, Jim, "Lewis and Clarkiana" 52:6.24-26 [AS]
Mertens, Steven B., "No Dirt on This Dig" 53:3.73-74 [MM]
Messinas, Elias V., "Preserving Jewish Heritage in Greece" 9/23/98
Meyer, Karl E., "Digging Berlin's Chamber of Horrors" 45:4.24-29
_____, "Remembering the Holocaust" 45:4.29
_____, "The Hunt for Priam's Treasure" 46:6.26-32
_____, "Who Owns the Spoils of War?" 48:4.46-50,52
_____, "Limits of World Law" 48:4.51
Meyers, Allan, "Lost Hacienda" 58:1.42-45
Meyers, Eric M., "Galilee in the Time of Jesus" 47:6.41
_____, "Unraveling the Qumran Texts" 51:6.80-83 [B]
_____, "Mythmaking at Masada" 56:2.56 [R,B]
_____, "Forgery Fallout" 58:2.16 [CV]
Mignone, Lisa, Damian Robinson, and Rick Jones, "In Vesuvius' Shadow" 6-8/02
Milanich, Jerald T., "The Legacy of Columbus" 45:2.38-42
_____, "Tweaking the BBC" 45:3.72 [F]
_____, "Laboring in the Fields of the Lord" 49:1.60-67
_____, "A Host of Would-be Conquerors" 49:1.68-69
_____, "Novice in Wonderland" 51:6.85-89 [MM]
_____, "Much Ado About a Circle" 52:5.22-25 [AS]
_____, "Pioneer or Mound Mauler?" 53:4.56-58 [L]
_____, "Occupational Hazards" 53:6.96 [F]
_____, "Taíno Encounters" 54:1.67-68 [M]
_____, "Conquistadors Out of Context" 54:3.78-79 [MM]
_____, "Closing the Ignorance Gap" 54:4.22-23 [AS]
_____, "A Peek at the Past" 54:5.38-39
_____, "Motel of the Mysteries" 55:1.50-53
_____, "Osceola's Head" 57:1.48-53
_____, "Water World" 57:5.46-50
_____, "The Devil in the Details" 58:3.26-31
_____, "Homeless Collections" 58:6.57-64 [L]
Milbrath, Susan, "Last Great Capital of the Maya" 58:2.26-29
Miller, Mary, "Imaging Maya Art" 50:3.34-40
Millward, James A., "Spotlight on the Silk Road" 46:4.24-25,68 [SR]
Milner, Richard, "From Ape to Ancestor" 58:4.59 [R,B]
Mitchell, Larkin, "Grave Decision" 52:1.27 [NB]
_____, "Earliest Egyptian Glyphs" 52:2.28-29 [NB]
_____, "Rare Roman Grave Found in London" 52:3.15 [NB]
Mitchell, Stephen, "Return of Gilgamesh" 58:3.16 [CV]
Mishra, Ritu, "Raise the Roof" 54:3.22 [NB]
Mishra, P.K., "Does Newly Excavated Buddhist Temple Provide A Missing Link?" 4/4/01
Mobley, Charles M., "Alaska: Land of Promise and Paradox" 46:4.36-43
Moore, Jerry D., "Bumper Crop" 45:4.52-55
_____, "Desert Detour" 46:5.64-65 [T]
Moseley, Michael E., and James B. Richardson III, "Doomed by Natural Disaster" 45:6.44-45
Mouer, L. Daniel, "Digging a Rebel's Homestead" 44:4.54-57 [IF]
Mullenneaux, Lisa, "History in the Chapel Cellar" 51:6.26 [NB]
Muller, Scott, "Iced Mummy" 45:1.24 [NB]
Muro, Mark, "Endangered Clovis Sites" 51:2.15 [NB]
Murowchick, Robert E., "Journey into Antiquity" 52:5.64-68 [B]
Muse, Toby, "Lost City" 57:5.18-23
Myers, J. Wilson, and Eleanor Emlen Myers, "Bird's Eye View of the Ancient World" 46:1.40-51
Myers, Rebecca, "Seductions of the Soil" 58:2.58 [R,B]
Naccache, Albert F.H., "The Price of Progress" 49:4.51-54
Nadis, Steve, "Ice Man" 54:6.28-33
Naranjo, Tito, "Reflections on the Blue Water People" 48:5.62
Nash, Stephen E., "A Gentleman Scholar" 54:3.60-63
Nash, Steve, "Seeds of Time" 57:1.24-29
_____, "Bethania, North Carolina" 9/9/04
_____, "Battles Over Battlefields" 57:5.24-29
Naveh, Joseph, Seymour Gitin, and Trude Dothan, "Ekron Identity Confirmed" 51:1.30-31
Neary, John, "Recreating our Ancestors" 44:1.64-67 [M]
_____, "Letter from New Mexico: Chaco Canyon Under Siege" 44:3.50-51,68 [L]
_____, "Kokopelli Kitsch" 45:4.76 [F]
_____, "Historic Messages" 45:6.62-67
_____, "Project Sting" 46:5.52-56
_____, "A Legacy of Wanton Thievery" 46:5.57-59
_____, "Dilettantes in the Game of Life" 48:2.58-62 [L]
Neils, Jenifer, "In the Name of Athena" 45:5.10,12 [M]
Neuman, Loretta, "Archaeology Meets the 104th Congress" 48:5.22-24,26-28 [VP]
Neumayer, Erwin, "Bodies in Motion" 50:1.56-59
Newell, Mark, "Neandertals in South Carolina?" 46:2.50
_____, "Resurgent Resurgam" 50:5.18 [NB]
Newsom, Lee Ann, "Secrets of the Seeds" 56:5.18 [CV]
Nicastro, Nicholas, "Simulated Caesars" 52:1.79-81 [MM]
_____, "Play it Again, Seti" 53:2.86-88 [MM]
_____, "The Pride of Poland" 53:2.96 [F]
_____, "Kennewick and Repatriation" 53:3.69-71 [B]
_____, "Reanimating Rome" 53:4.70-71 [MM]
_____, "Scrolling through Olympus" 54:2.86-87 [MM]
Nicgorski, Ann M., "Curious George's Bad Example" 3/9/06
Nicholas, Linda, Gary Feinman, "Top-Notch Tomb" 56:5.14 [NB]
Nicholas, Linda M., Gary M. Feinman, and Helen R. Haines, "Mexico's Wonder Plant" 55:5.32-35
Norman, Deborah M., "Letter From the Southwest: Guardians of the Past" 59:1.59-65 [L]
Nowell, April, "Unearthing the Human Mind" 50:1.64-67 [B]
O'Brien, Clare, "Carbon Date Checkmate" 48:3.20 [NB]
O'Connor, David, and Diana Craig Patch, "Sacred Sands" 54:3.42-49
O'Connor, David, and Matthew Adams, "Moored in the Desert" 54:3.44-45
O'Gorman, Therese, Peter Lacovara, and Sue D'Auria, "New Life for the Dead" 54:5.22-27
Olsen, Sandra L., "Beware of Dogs Facing West" 53:4.23 [NB]
Oshri, Aviram, "Where was Jesus Born?" 58:6.42-45
Ottaway, James H., Jr., "New Assault on Troy" 44:5.54-59
_____, "Exploring Troy" 44:5.59
Orser, Charles E., "Probing County Roscommon" 50:5.72-75 [L]
Packer, James E., "Trajan's Glorius Forum" 51:1.32-41
Pankenier, David W., "The Mandate of Heaven" 51:2.26-34
Parrent, James, Hawk Tolson, Paul Willoughby, Derek Ritter, and Marianne Franklin, "Zeroing in on the Capitana and the Santiago" 44:1.53-54
Patch, Diana Craig, and David O'Connor, Sacred Sands 54:3.42-49
Pastron, A.G., Gold Rush Wreck 54:6.11 [NB]
Pérez de Lara, Jorge, "Temple of the Sun" 58:6.36-41
Perkins, Bruce E., "Live Civil War Ammo Found" 49:6.26-27 [NB]
Perlman, Mark S., "Drought and the Maya Demise" 48:6.19 [NB]
_____, "Viking Fortress" 48:6.26 [NB]
_____, "Iron Age Slavery?" 48:6.26 [NB]
Perotta, John, "High-Tech Restoration" 46:4.20 [NB]
Perrottet, Tony, "Everyone Loves a Bloodbath" 57:2:54-55 [R,MM]
Peterman, Glen L., "Byzantine Petra" 47:2.18 [NB]
Phaneuf, Brett A., Thomas K. Dettweiler, and Thomas Bethge, "Deepest Wreck" 54:2.26-27 [SR]
Piccolomini, Manfredi, "Home of the Wind King" 44:3.54-55 [T]
Pickering, Robert B., "Discovering the Occident" 50:6.42-47
Piercy, Robin C.M., Alison Darroch, and George F. Bass, "Santo Antonio de Tanna" 45:3.32-35
Pilles, Peter, "Interactive Dig: Letters from Arizona" 7-10/04
Pinkowski, Jennifer, "Chaco's Far-Flung Corn Fields Come to Light" 57:1:10 [NB]
_____, "Make Way for the Old" 57:1:11 [NB]
_____, "Deep-Sea Duel" 57:1:11 [NB]
_____, "Albanian Synagogue Surfaces" 57:1:12 [NB]
_____, "A Puzzling Wreck" 57:1:13 [NB]
_____, "One Long, Hot Global Summer" 57:3:54 [R,B]
_____, "Battlefield U.K." 57:4:60 [R,MM]
_____, "Tracking Down Stolen Treasures" 57:5:52 [R,MM]
_____, "The Alchemist's Lab" 57:6:26-31
_____, "The Egyptologist Who Would Be Pharaoh" 2/2/05
_____, "Take Your Hominids with a Grain of Salt" 3/17/05
_____, "Neolithic France" 58:3:32-35
_____, "Integrating the Frontier" 58:5.42-47
_____, "Wild West Saloon Life" 58:6.54-55 [R,B]
_____, "A City by the Sea" 59:1.46-49
_____, "Rock the Oasis" 3/13/06
Plunket, Patricia, and Gabriela Uruñuela, "Appeasing the Volcano Gods" 51:4.36-42
Potts, Daniel T., "Arabian Time Capsule" 53:5.44-48
Pohuski, Michael, "U-Boat Preserve" 48:4.21 [NB]
Pollon, Christopher, "Damger! Do NOT Dig Here" 55:3.8 [NB]
Popson, Colleen P., "The El Niño Effect" 54:5.18 [NB]
_____, "Archaeologists On Call" 54:6.8 [NB]
_____, "All That Glitters..." 54:6.10 [NB]
_____, "Towering Temple" 54:6.14 [NB]
_____, "Bogus Time Capsule" 55:1.14 [NB]
_____, "Revisting the Rose" 55:1.16 [NB]
_____, "Columbus Mystery Ship" 55:1.18 [NB]
_____, "A Democratic Genghis Khan?" 55:1.61 [R,M]
_____, "The Truth is in Our Trash" 55:1.64 [R,M]
_____, "Stonehenge Scheme in Question" 55:2.11 [NB]
_____, "First New World Synagogue Rediscovered" 55:2.12 [NB]
_____, "Grim Rites of the Moche" 55:2.30-35
_____, "Megalithic Mania" 55:2.58 [R,MM]
_____, "Savoring an Old Seducer" 55:3.54-55 [R,M]
_____, "Demise of the Maya" 55:3.56 [R,B]
_____, "Cultural Loss in Lower Manhattan" 6/19/02
_____, "The House that Tweed Built" 55:4.22-29
_____, "Unrest in the Mundo Maya" 55:5.14 [NB]
_____, "Hunters Horse Around" 55:6.16 [NB]
_____, "Maya Goods in Teotihuacan Tomb" 56:1.16-17 [NB]
_____, "Gods of Yucatán" 56:1.64-68 [L]
_____, "Early Mesoamerican Writing?" 56:2.10 [NB]
_____, "Viking Portraits in Stone?" 56:2.10 [NB]
_____, "Vintage Skulls" 56:2.15 [NB]
_____, "First Lady of Amazonia" 56:3.26-31
_____, "Soil Savers" 56:4.11 [NB]
_____, "Where the Stars are Pots" 56:4.61 [R,B]
_____, "Bowled Over" 56:5.13 [NB]
_____, "Race for Early Rice" 56:5.15 [NB]
_____, "Extreme Sport" 56:5.42-48
_____, "Oh, to be Irish" 56:6:62 [R,MM]
_____, "Moche Mug Shots" 57:2:58-59 [R,B]
_____, "Elusive Columbus" 57:3:58 [R,MM]
_____, "Art of the Maya Uppercrust" 57:4:56 [R,M]
_____, "Letter from Washington D.C.: Native Voices" 57:5:62-70 [L]
_____, "Geology Meets Archaeology" 58:3:54 [R,MM]
Popson, Colleen P., and Mark Rose, "Pyramidology" 55:4.60 [R,MM]
Popson, Colleen P., and Amélie A. Walker, "Mummy Playground" 55:4.59 [R,MM]
Powell, Eric A., "Georgia on My Mine" 54:4.16 [NB]
_____, "Old Peru U." 54:4.18 [NB]
_____, "Ritual Racoon" 54:5.15 [NB]
_____, "Old Canuck No Kennewick Man" 54:5.17 [NB]
_____, "Miami Circle Dead" 54:5.18 [NB]
_____, "Battle of the Bones" 54:5.65-67 [B]
_____, "Birthplace of American Booze" 54:5.80 [F]
_____, "Quality Cargo" 54:6.9 [NB]
_____, "This Dung's For You" 54:6.10 [NB]
_____, "Early Arctic Adventurers" 54:6.11 [NB]
_____, "Okie Patrimony" 54:6.14 [NB]
_____, "Cold Hard Cache" 54:6.17 [NB]
_____, "Alaska's 'Valley of the Kings'" 54:6.55 [R]
_____, "Ur's Answer to Elvis" 54:6.57 [R]
_____, "Acquisitive Curator Update" 11/20/01
_____, "Bizarre Rituals" 55:1.8 [NB]
_____, "Bizarre Rituals" 55:1.8 [NB]
_____, "Hoax Update" 55:1.9 [NB]
_____, "Caves and Climate" 55:1.12 [NB]
_____, "Car Wash Cover-up" 55:1.13 [NB]
_____, "Curtains for Overkill?" 55:1.16-17 [NB]
_____, "Pottery Heist" 55:1.20 [NB]
_____, "Beyond Ground Zero" 55:1.22-27
_____, "Saving A Civil War Prison" 1/17/02
_____, "Miami Dolphin" 55:2.11 [NB]
_____, "When Peoria was French" 55:2.15 [NB]
_____, "Why Urn Fields Went Fallow" 55:2.16 [NB]
_____, "Saving a Civil War Prison" 55:2.16 [NB]
_____, "Journey to a Mythic Homeland" 55:2.55 [R,M]
_____, "Mammoth Distortions" 55:2.58-59 [R,B]
_____, "DuVal Pottery Destroyed" 3/18/02
_____, "Liberty Bell Basher Pleads Guilty" 55:3.8 [NB]
_____, "Cave Couture" 55:3.12 [NB]
_____, "Monumental Art" 55:3.12 [NB]
_____, "Shooting Up in the Old West" 55:3.16 [NB]
_____, "NPS Back Online" 55:3.60-61 [R,MM]
_____, "Boning Up on the First Americans" 55:3.60-61 [R,B]
_____, "Dawn of the Domicile?" 55:4.14 [NB]
_____, "Britannia Rules..." 55:5.17 [NB]
_____, "Dog Burial Down Under" 55:5.18 [NB]
_____, "Mammoth Banquet" 55:5.20 [NB]
_____, "Archaeo-Blog" 55:5.66-67 [R,MM]
_____, "Summer of Wrecks" 55:6.10-11 [NB]
_____, "Tales from Storyville" 55:6.26-31
_____, "Garden Under Guard" 56:1.13 [NB]
_____, "Vile Finds" 56:1.18 [NB]
_____, "Fortress on the Hudson" 56:1.32-35
_____, "Buddy Pictures" 56:1.58 [R,MM]
_____, "Cave Looter Allegedly Solicits Murders" 1/27/03
_____, "Empire State's Waterways" 56:2.12 [NB]
_____, "Big Time Fine for Cave Looter" 56:2.14 [NB]
_____, "A Singularly Human Pursuit" 56:2.16 [CV]
_____, "Searching for the First New Zealanders" 56:2.40-47
_____, "The Rise and Downloading of Civilization" 56:2.60 [R,MM]
_____, "A Younger Mungo Man" 56:3.13 [NB]
_____, "Bogus Books" 56:3.53
_____, "All Pots Bulletin" 56:4.13 [NB]
_____, "Ironclad Identified?" 56:4.13 [NB]
_____, "Britannia Rides" 56:4.54 [R,M]
_____, "Far-Flung Figurines" 56:5.10 [NB]
_____, "Solstice at the Stones" 56:5.36-41
_____, "Lake Mead Drought" 56:6.11 [NB]
_____, "Starter Home" 56:6.15 [NB]
_____, "Theme Park of the Gods" 57:1.62-67 [L]
_____, "Closing in on the Portland" 57:2.61 [R,MM]
_____, "Monster Movie" 4/27/04
_____, "A Novel Legacy" 57:3.42-45
_____, "Early Dates, Real Tools?" 11/17/04
_____, "The Turquoise Trail" 58:1.24-29
_____, "Back to the Bog" 58:1.53
_____, "Legendary Bones" 58:4.50-51 [R,B]
_____, "Sir Francis Drake Didn't Sleep Here" 10/18/05
_____, "Mysterious Mongolia" 59:1.16-23
Powell, Julie, "Back to the Old Place" 56:4.42-47
_____, "The Trouble with Blood" 57:6.34-39
_____, "Cooking Ancient Recipes" 10/19/04
Powledge, Tabitha M., and Mark Rose, "The Great DNA Hunt" 49:5.36-44
_____, "The Great DNA Hunt, Part II: Colonizing the Americas" 49:6.58-65,68
Price, David H., "Books: Cloak and Trowel" 56:3.56 [R,B]
_____, "Cloak & Trowel" 56:5.30-35
Pridmore, Jay, "Flap at Field Museum" 44:6.60-63 [M]
_____, "Dickson Mounds: Closing a Window on the Dead" 45:4.18-19 [SR]
Qing, Dai, "Sites Too Valuable to Be Lost" 49:6.44-45
Rabinovich, Abraham, "Hunting Hazor's Royal Archive" 49:6.15 [NB]
_____, "Curse of the Balsam Cookers" 2/25/97
Rabinovich, Abraham, and Neil Asher Silberman "The Burning of Hazor" 51:3.50-55
Rallo, Antonia, Angela M.H. Schuster, and Larissa Bonfante, "Variations on Antiquity" 50:1.68-71 [M]
Ralston, Ted, and Jo Anne Tilburg, "Engineers of Easter Island" 52:6.40-45
Ramenofsky, Ann F., "Death by Disease" 45:2.47-49
Raschka, Marilyn, "Salvaging a Scarred Land" 47:1.64-67 [L]
_____, "Beirut Discoveries" 48:2.18 [NB]
_____, "Beirut Digs Out" 49:4.44-50
Rastrelli, Anna, "Treasures of I Fucoli" 52:1.42-46
Redmond, Brian G., and Kenneth B. Tankersley, "Ice Age Ohio" 53:6.42-46
Reedy-Maschner, Katherine, and Herbert Maschner, "Letter From Alaska: Aleuts and the Sea" 58:2.63-70 [L]
Renfrew, Colin, "Collectors are the Real Looters" 46:3.16-17 [VP]
_____, "Re-examining Prehistory" 51:5.87-89 [B]
Reents-Budet, Dorie, and Ronald Bishop, "What Can We Learn from a Maya Vase?" 56:2.26-29
Reynolds, David West, "Swahili Ghost Town" 54:6.44
Robbins, Lawrence H., "Adventures in Africa" 52:2.92-94 [MM]
_____, "Good Egg" 3/29/01
Ricciardi, Christopher, H. Arthur Bankoff, and Alyssa Loorya, "Remembering Africa Under the Eaves" 54:3.36-40
Richards, Janet, "Quest for Weni the Elder" 54:3.48-49
Riddle, John M., J. Worth Estes, and Josiah C. Russell, "Ever Since Eve: Birth Control in the Ancient World" 47:2.29-31,34-35
_____, "Ancient Recipes to Avoid Contraception" 47:2.32
_____, "From Plato to Pius: The Ethics of Birth Control" 47:2.33
Riorden, Elizabeth, "Visions of Troy" 53:1.52-59
Rivard, Jean-Louis, Brandon C. Foster, and Steven E. Sidebotham, "Emerald City" 55:3.36-41
Robinson, Damian, "Riding Into the Afterlife" 57:2.10-11 [SR]
_____, "Treasure Troves" 57:2.58-59 [R,M]
Robinson, Damian, Rick Jones, and Lisa Mignone, "In Vesuvius' Shadow" 6-8/02
Rollston, Christopher A., "Reliving the Dead Sea Scrolls" 56:1.62 [R,B]
Romano, David Gilman, "Olympics Through Time" 53:2.89 [MM]
Romer, Frank, and David Soren, "Horace's Healing Spring" 52:1.47-48
Romey, Kristin M., "Corinth Loot Found Under Fresh Fish" 52:6.16 [NB]
_____, "Spain's Day in Court" 52:6.18 [NB]
_____, "Sunken City Found" 52:6.19 [NB]
_____, "All that Glitters is Scythian" 53:1.60-62 [M]
_____, "It's Official: Kennewick Man Goes Native" 1/13/00; 53:2.22 [NB]
_____, "New Finds at Herculaneum" 2/2/00
_____, "Jerusalem's Temple Mount Flap" 53:2.20 [NB]
_____, "Coeur de France" 53:2.23 [NB]
_____, "Casualties of the Chechen War" 53:2.28 [NB]
_____, "Bulldozers in the Night" 2/29/00
_____, "Pharaoh in the Basement" 53:3.13 [NB]
_____, "Bones in the Bathroom" 53:3.16-17 [NB]
_____, "Ship Ahoist" 53:3.20 [NB]
_____, "Sumer Loses Bragging Rights" 5/31/00
_____, "Fourth in the Field" 53:4.12-13 [AS]
_____, "Upscale Iron Age Village " 53:4.21 [NB]
_____, "Web Links to the Past" 53:5.78-82 [MM]
_____, "Beneath the Black Sea" 7-8/00
_____, "A Church Pew with a View" 53:6.26 [NB]
_____, "'God's Hands' Did the Devil's Work" 54:1.16 [NB]
_____, "Legacy of War" 54:2.13 [NB]
_____, "Bad, Bad Boudicca" 54:2.16 [NB]
_____, "Land of the Golden Fleece" 54:2.28-35
_____, "Cultural Terrorism" 54:2.16-17 [NB]
_____, "Intolerance in Antiquity" 54:3.17 [NB]
_____, "The Eyes Have It" 54:3.18 [NB]
_____, "Marrow Meals" 54:3.20 [NB]
_____, "Stone Broke" 54:3.20 [NB]
_____, "Art Attack" 54:3.22 [NB]
_____, "Ivan's Lament" 54:3.24 [NB]
_____, "Marriage in Ruins" 54:3.25 [NB]
_____, "Canned Remains" 54:3.25 [NB]
_____, "Vintage Footage" 54:4.16 [NB]
_____, "Moolah-la" 54:4.18 [NB]
_____, "The Rain in Rome" 54:4.20 [NB]
_____, "Only in Texas" 54:4.80 [F]
_____, "Brahmin Blood" 54:5.13 [NB]
_____, "Aim, Fire, Thwock!" 54:5.20-21 [AS]
_____, "Botching a Good Story" 55:1.62 [R,MM]
_____, "The Race to Save Afghan Culture" 55:3.18-25
_____, "City of Victory" 55:4.46-49
_____, "Tales from the Deep" 55:5.64 [R,B]
_____, "Legacies of a Slavic Pompeii" 55:6.18-25
_____, "Star-Crossed Find" 56:1.21 [NB]
_____, "Lifeline to Byzantium" 56:1.24-31
_____, "Crisis Archaeology" 56:3.13 [NB]
_____, "Pseudoscience in Cyberspace" 56:3.51-52
_____, "Geologists: Ossuary Patina Faked" 6/23/03
_____, "Ossuary Owner Under Arrest" 7/22/03
_____, "Ossuary Dethroned" 7/24/03
_____, "Neolithic Nightmare" 56:5.13 [NB]
_____, "Move Over Venus" 57:1:11 [NB]
_____, "Kensington Runestone Goes to Sweden" 57:1:12 [NB]
_____, "Credit the Greeks!" 57:1:13 [NB]
_____, "Hordes of Fun" 57:1.56-57 [R,MM]
_____, "Diving the Maya Underworld" 57:3.16-23
_____, "InteractiveDig Yucatán: Diving with the Dead" 4-5/04
_____, "Flashpoint Ayodhya" 57:4.48-55
_____, "The Forgotten Realm of Alexander" 57:6.18-25
_____, "The Dead of Snake Hill" 58:3:42-49
_____, "Watery Tombs" 58:4:42-49
Romey, Kristin M., and Mark Rose, "Saga of the Persian Princess" 54:1.24-25 [SR]
Romey, Kristin M., Mark Rose, and Amélie A. Walker, "Mummy Dearest?" 54:4.72-73 [MM]
Rose, Mark, "Cycladic Figurines Stolen" 46:1.25-26 [NB]
_____, "The Enduring Maya" 46:3.56-58 [T]
_____, "Rethinking Troy" 46:4.20 [NB]
_____, "Vintage Wreck" 46:4.21 [NB]
_____, "Early Skull Found in Java" 46:5.18 [NB]
_____, "Greece Sues for Mycenaean Gold" 46:5.26-30 [SR]
_____, "What Did Schliemann Find--and Where, When, and How Did He Find It?" 46:6.33-36
_____, "Mycenaean Gold Returned" 47:2.19 [NB]
_____, "Sarcophagus Goes Home" 47:5.19 [NB]
_____, "Pleistocene Computer Heads" 47:6.16 [NB]
_____, "Mummy Makers" 47:6.17 [NB]
_____, "Revising Bronze Age Chronology" 48:1.20 [NB]
_____, "Flattery Will Get You Everywhere" 48:2.51
_____, "Barrow Burial" 48:4.22 [NB]
_____, "Cruising Turkey's Southern Coast" 48:4.54-63
_____, "Turkey's Claims Abroad" 48:2.56
_____, "Rock Art Saved" 49:2.14 [NB]
_____, "Museum Policy Change" 49:2.14 [NB]
_____, "Yaws Origins" 49:3.21 [NB]
_____, "Reviving Nemea's Games" 49:4.36
_____, "Jewelry Repatriated" 49:5.30 [NB]
_____, "Origins of Syphilis" 50:1.24-25 [NB]
_____, "Ashkelon's Dead Babies" 50:2.12-13 [NB]
_____, "Homo erectus Survival" 50:2.15 [NB]
_____, "Aucilla River Paleoindian Site" 50:2.17 [NB]
_____, "Rotten Apples" 50:3.64-70 [B]
_____, "Celebrating an Island Heritage" 50:4.40-49
_____, "A New Species?" 50:5.24 [NB]
_____, "Neandertal DNA" 50:5.24 [NB]
_____, "Egyptian Statue Found" 7/29/97
_____, "A Footnote" 10/1/97
_____, "Einkorn's Debut" 51:1.19 [NB]
_____, "Antiquities Watchdog" 51:1.21 [NB]
_____, "Cypriot Church Art Found" 51:2.14 [NB]
_____, "From Cyprus to Munich" 4/20/98
_____, "Twilight of the Clans" 51:3.22
_____, "First Mariners" 51:3.22
_____, "Cahokia Surprise" 51:3.25
_____, "Ghoulish Boutique" 51:3.27
_____, "Church Treasures of Cyprus" 51:4.19-21 [SR]
_____, "Backflap Sting" 51:5.10-11 [NB]
_____, "To Farm, or Not To Farm" 51:5.12 [NB]
_____, "Digging Old Brooklyn" 51:5.19 [NB]
_____, "AIA Efforts Praised" 9/3/98
_____, "Monte Verde Excavations to Resume " 9/3/98
_____, "Early Church at Aqaba" 51:6.18 [NB]
_____, "Early Andean Metalworking" 52:1.19 [NB]
_____, "Sampling Monks Mound" 52:1.24-25 [NB]
_____, "Neolithic Noah" 52:1.75-78 [B]
_____, "Prehistoric Miami" 52:2.30 [NB]
_____, "Let's Not Be Too Hasty" 52:3.16 [NB]
_____, "Hoard Returned" 52:3.28 [NB]
_____, "Egyptian Gold Rush" 52:3.32 [NB]
_____, "Pre-Clovis Surprise" 52:4.18 [NB]
_____, "Cyprus Import Ban" 52:4.20 [NB]
_____, "Three-Ring Stonehenge" 52:5.14 [NB]
_____, "Kennewick VI: The Saga Continues" 52:5.17 [NB]
_____, "Steinhardt Loses Appeal" 52:5.18 [NB]
_____, "Cuzco, the Sacred Valley, and the Inka Trail" 9/1/99
_____, "Godzilla's Attacking Babylon!" 9/21/99
_____, "Dating Controversy Lawsuit" 10/19/99
_____, "Beyond Clovis" 52:6.80-84 [B]
_____, "The Truth, And Some Other Stuff, Is Out There" 11/9/99
_____, "Gettysburg Monuments Vandalized" 12/8/99
_____, "Ancient Wonders" 53:1.74-77 [B]
_____, "$1.2-Million Phiale Returned to Italy" 2/11/00
_____, "Fallen Heroes" 2/16/00; 53:2.42-45
_____, "New National Historic Landmarks" 3/15/00
_____, "No Moa: Modeling an Extinction" 3/29/00
_____, "First Lady an Archaeology Buff" 3/30/00
_____, "Cold War Monument" 53:2.19 [NB]
_____, "Cactus Hill Update" 4/10/00
_____, "Gold Koran Returned" 53:3.16 [NB]
_____, "'Look Daddy, Oxen!'" 53:3.68-69 [B]
_____, "Cold War Memories" 5/3/00
_____, "Central Turkey's Four Capitals" 6/6/00
_____, "UNESCO Convention Under Fire" 6/10/00
_____, "Stealing History" 6/21/00
_____, "Protecting Panama" 53:4.23 [NB]
_____, "Kress Foundation and WMF Announce Grants" 8/1/00
_____, "Kosovo Church Leveled" 8/1/00
_____, "Royal Coffin Controversy" 53:5.14 [NB]
_____, "Facing the Past" 53:5.59-61
_____, "Spirit Cave & Kennewick" 9/27/00
_____, "Gorm the Old Goes Home" 53:6.21 [NB]
_____, "Back to Greece" 53:6.25 [NB]
_____, "Ancient Roadmap" 53:6.75 [B]
_____, "Latin Revival" 53:6.76-77 [B]
_____, "Mostly About Mummies..." 53:6.76-77 [B]
_____, "Egyptian Revival in Atlanta" 54:1.21 [NB]
_____, "Stolen Sculptures from Cyrene, Libya" 1/30/01
_____, "Corinth Antiquities Returned" 2/6/01
_____, "Secrets of the Pharaohs I" 2/13/01
_____, "Secrets of the Pharaohs II" 2/21/01
_____, "Last Minute Monuments" 54:2.14 [NB]
_____, "Corinth Loot Returned" 54:2.15 [NB]
_____, "Tsavo's Man-Eaters" 54:2.18 [NB]
_____, "Brits Sign On" 54:2.22 [NB]
_____, "Paleopersonalities" 54:3.74-77 [B]
_____, "Attacking Malta's Past" 54:4.15 [NB]
_____, "DNA Round-Up" 54:4.20 [NB]
_____, "A Day of Much Slaying" 54:4.68-70 [B]
_____, "Excavating with Bullets" 6/14/01
_____, "Working Class Stiffs" 54:5.13 [NB]
_____, "More Bones, More Claims" 54:5.16 [NB]
_____, "Tales of the Count" 54:5.64 [B]
_____, "Mummy Matters" 54:5.67,71 [B]
_____, "Nurturing Neandertals" 54:6.8 [NB]
_____, "Royal Tomb Robbery" 54:6.16-17 [NB]
_____, "Face Time with Cleopatra" 54:6.54 [R,M]
_____, "From Apes to Zinj" 54:6.55 [R]
_____, "Mesoamerica's National Pastime" 54:6.56 [R,B]
_____, "Dining with Martial" 10/23/01
_____, "The Bible as Artifact" 55:1.60-61 [R,B]
_____, "Saving Old Cairo" 55:1.64-65 [R,MM]
_____, "Egypt in Brooklyn" 1/24/02
_____, "Fakes Flood Market" 1/28/02
_____, "Out of Africa--with Worms" 55:2.13 [NB]
_____, "Cudgel Culture" 55:2.17 [NB]
_____, "Who's in Tomb 55?" 55:2.22-27
_____, "Egyptology's Unsung Heroes" 55:2.54-55 [R,B]
_____, "Many Happy Returns?" 3/12/02
_____, "Speaking with Greece's Minister of Culture" 3/19/02
_____, "Double Standards" 55:3.15 [SR]
_____, "Greek-U.S. Proposition" 55:3.17 [NB]
_____, "King Scorpion: A Pretty Bad Dude" 55:3.54-55 [R,MM]
_____, "Antiquities Dealer Sentenced" 6/11/02
_____, "In Living Color" 55:4.8 [NB]
_____, "110 and Counting..." 55:4.9 [NB]
_____, "Old Site, New Tricks" 55:4.11 [NB]
_____, "Egyptian Immortality in Washington" 7/1/02
_____, "Shaking Up the Land of the Pharaohs" 7/3/02
_____, "Skulls Make Headlines" 55:5.10-11 [NB]
_____, "Egyptian Roadshows" 55:5.60-61 [R,M]
_____, "Zeugma Revisited" 55:5.62-63 [R,MM]
_____, "Pyramids in Jerusalem" 9/25/02
_____, "A Walk Through the Valley of the Kings" 55:6.58-59 [R,MM]
_____, "Byzantium's Artistic Legacy" 11/7/02
_____, "Concern for Cultural Heritage in Iraq" 12/18/02
_____, "Early Pharaonic Tales of Naguib Mahfouz" 1/28/03
_____, "Ossuary Tales" 56:1.11-12 [NB]
_____, "Portus Cosanus" 2/19/03
_____, "Mystery Mummy" 56:2.18-25
_____, "A New Home for the Acropolis Treasures" 3/11/03
_____, "Taking Stock in Baghdad" 4/15/03
_____, "Caveat Viewer" 4/17/03
_____, "You Call That Art?" 56:3.60 [R,B]
_____, "Gold Dust and James Bond" 6/18/03
_____, "Schultz Conviction Upheld" 6/25/03
_____, "Legislating Protection for Iraqi Heritage" 6/26/03
_____, "Taking a Stab at the Past" 7/24/03
_____, "Archimedes' Disgusting Document" 56:5.56 [R,MM]
_____, "A Big Inca Discovery, or Not?" 11/18/03
_____, "Aphrodite in New York" 11/24/03
_____, "Nouvelle-France" 57:1.30-35
_____, "Painting the Classics" 57:1.58-59 [R,B]
_____, "Caring for the Dead" 57:2.30-35
_____, "Tara Threatened " 4/8/04
_____, "Have Parasol, Will Travel" 57:3.60 [R,B]
_____, "Troy's Fallen!" 5/14/04
_____, "Decoding the Megaliths" 57:4.42-47
_____, "Where's Nefertiti?" 9/16/04
_____, "A Monumental Mandate" 10/12/04
_____, "Medici Mystery" 10/12/04
_____, "Alexander the Underwhelming" 11/23/04
_____, "Mummies & Bones as Television Stars" 12/2/04
_____, "The Three Kings & the Star" 12/21/04
_____, "Great Alexander in New York" 1/13/05
_____, "En Route to the Truth" 1/13/05
_____, "The Forgotten Fight for America" 58:1.46-51
_____, "Queen of the Novel" 58:2.46-51
_____, "Egyptian School Daze" 58:2.52 [R,B]
_____, "TutWatch" 3/25/05 (update 5/13/05)
_____, "Olmec People, Olmec Art" 3/28/05
_____, "New Finds from the Elite Cemetery" 4/22/05
_____, "Seaport Museum Artifacts Ship Out" 6/22/05
_____, "Return to Cyrene" 58.5.16-23
_____, "When Giants Roamed the Earth" 58:6.30-35
_____, "The Mystery of DeCou's Assassination" 1/13/06
_____, "After Byzantium" 1/25/06
_____, "Untangling the Antiquities Web" 1/26/06
_____, "Photograph as Artifact" 59:1.53 [R,B]
_____, "Thirty Years at Kommos" 2/15/06
_____, "Antiquities Act Centennial" 3/14/06
_____, "A Century of Debate" 3/16/06
_____, "The Bosnia-Atlantis Connection" 4/27/06
_____, "KV 63: A Look at the New Tomb (update)" 5/1/06
Rose, Mark, and Özgen Acar, "Turkey's War on the Illicit Antiquities Trade" 48:2.44-50,52-53,55-56
Rose, Mark, and Sengül Aydingün, "Saving a Fabled Sanctuary" 56:6.20-28
Rose, Mark, and Zahi Hawass, "Master of the Sphinx" 55:5.22 [CV]
Rose, Mark, and Colleen P. Popson, "Pyramidology" 55:4.60 [R,MM]
Rose, Mark, and Tabitha M. Powledge, "The Great DNA Hunt" 49:5.36-44
_____, "The Great DNA Hunt, Part II: Colonizing the Americas" 49:6.58-65,68
Rose, Mark, and Kristin M. Romey, "Saga of the Persian Princess" 54:1.24-25 [SR]
Rose, Mark, Kristin M. Romey, and Amélie A. Walker, "Mummy Dearest?" 54:4.72-73 [MM]
Rose, Mark, and Angela M.H. Schuster, "Key Shipwreck Actions in Norfolk" 8/2/00
Rose, Mark, and Amélie A. Walker, "100 Most Endangered Sites Announced" 10/11/01
Rose, Tim, "A Celebration of Native Culture" 9/30/04
Rotroff, Susan I., "Thracian Glitter" 51:4.64-67 [M]
Routledge, Heather M., "Oldest Cloth" 46:6.20 [NB]
Rubinson, Karen S., "Surprise Finds on the Steppes" 52:6.17 [NB]
Ruiz, Alvaro, Winifred Creamer, and Jonathon Haas, "Gourd Lord" 56:3.9 [NB]
Ruscillo, Deborah, "When Gluttony Ruled!" 54:6.20-25
Russell, James, "Tales from the Archives" 46:3.? [P]
Russell, John Malcolm, "Stolen Stones" 12/30/96
_____, "Saga of the Nineveh Marbles" 51:2.36-42
Russell, Josiah C., J. Worth Estes, and John M. Riddle, "Ever Since Eve: Birth Control in the Ancient World" 47:2.29-31,34-35
Ryan, Donald P., "Exploring the Valley of the Kings" 47:1.52-59
_____, "Honoring Belzoni" 47:1.59
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