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Subject Index: S-Y |
Volumes 44-57 1991-2004 |
Sahara--see also Africa
50:2.84 [F]
England--Iron Age 46:6.22 [NB]
Saudi Arabia 51:3.74-76 [B]
Schliemann, Heinrich
44:4.68 [MM]
Troy 46:6.33-36
Schultz, Frederick--art dealer
smuggling trial 54:6.5 [P]; 1/7/02; 4/22/02; 55:3.7 [P]; 6/11/02; 5/29/03; 6/25/03
beer brewing 54:6.10 [NB]
Bronze Age burials 48:1.23 [NB]
Cramond--Roman sculpture 50:4.14 [NB]
hazelnut shells--dating 54:5.19 [NB]
lead ornaments 48:3.19
Inchmarnock--Vikings 56:2.10 [NB]
Irish origins 54:4.46-51
Kinlochbervie--Spanish Armada 54:6.9 [NB]
MacDonald, Flora--social change 50:4.14 [NB]
Outer Hebrides--mummies 56:5.16-17 [SR]
Picts 57:5.40-44
Suenos Stone 54:3.20 [NB]
Sculpture--see also art, monuments
Cambodia 50:3.59-62 [M]
China 49:5.60-65
Cycladic 46:1.64-69 [B]
Cyprus 50:3.20 [NB]
Easter Island 44:2.15,71 [NB]
Egypt 49:1.22-23 [NB]
England 44:6.20-21 [NB]
Germany 49:5.33 [NB]
New York 48:1.22 [NB]
production 49:3.54-56 [M]
Scotland 48:3.19; 50:4.14 [NB]
Serbia 48:1.14 [NB]
Wisconsin 46:2.22 [NB]
chieftain's tomb 50:5.32-39
Crimea--acropolis 47:6.69-75 [L]
exhibition 53:1.60-62 [M]
horse sacrifice 53:1.15-16 [NB]
Russia--burial 52:2.20-21 [NB]
Siberia--Ukok priestess mummy 47:5.27 [NB]
Danube River 50:2.24-26,28-29 [I]
Gamzigrad 48:1.14 [NB]
war 52:5.10-13,77 [I]
WWII remains 56:6.12 [NB]
Arizona--Chinese 44:6.21 [NB]
Brazil 46:4.14-19 [TL]
China 46:4.22 [NB]
El Salvador 47:4.30-33
interaction 48:5.58-61,63
Israel 45:2.22-30
Italy--Venice 49:4.38-43
Pennsylvania 48:6.25 [NB]
Virginia 45:1.66-69 [M]
Ships--see also underwater
Abandoned Shipwreck Act 49:3.47
Africa--Santo Antonio de Tanna 45:3.32-35
Alaska--Kad'yak 8/26/04; 8/26/04
Bounty 52:3.34-43
California--Winfield Scott 44:2.71 [NB]
Canada--Quebec 4/7/97
Civil War steamboats 7/1/98
deepest wreck--trade route 54:2.26-27 [SR]
buried fleet 45:5.24 [NB]
Red Sea 49:2.15 [NB]
Bonhomme Richard 55:5.17 [NB]
Mary Rose 47:5.20 [NB]
oldest? 50:4.13 [NB]
submarine--Resurgam 50:5.18 [NB]
films 54:1.73-75 [MM]
Emanuel Point Ship 51:1.42-46
Maple Leaf 47:5.48-50
Marseilles--ancient Greek 47:3.15 [NB]
Normandy--CSS Alabama 47:6.19 [NB]
Alonisos 46:4.21 [NB]
Mahdia 49:1.54-59
Italy--Pisa 52:4.36-39; 56:2.11 [NB]
Maine--Warren 48:6.21 [NB]
Portland 55:6.10-11 [NB]; 57:2.61 [R,MM]
North Carolina
Queen Anne's Revenge 50:3.21 [NB]
USS Monitor 55:6.10-11 [NB]; 57:6.58 [R,M]
Norway--Vikings 51:1.25 [NB]
Oman--dhows 50:3.50
Panama--Gallega 44:1.55-59
Portugual--Nossa Senhora dos Mártires 56:2.30-35
Portuguese and Spanish exploration
Capitana--Santiago 44:1.52-54
Roman wrecks 50:6.23 [NB]; 52:3.22 [NB]
Russia--Vikings 7/29/97
South Carolina--Hunley 48:5.17 [NB]; 55:4.58 [R, MM]
49:6.10-13 [I]
Juno and La Galga 52:6.18 [NB]
Texas--Belle 49:1.23 [NB]; 2/27/98
Titanic 49:3.40-43; 50:3.80 [F]; 9/8/99; 8/2/00; 53:5.16 [NB]; 9/20/00; 54:1.52-56; 54:1.54-55; 54:2.16 [NB]
Vermont--Benedict Arnold's gunboat 50:5.22 [NB]
Viking replicas
Gaia--Oseberg--Saga Siglar 45:6.26 [NB]; 44:5.22-30
18th century 50:4.15 [NB]
law on shipwrecks 8/2/00
CSS Virginia 56:4.13 [NB]
Whydah--Cape Cod 48:1.79-85 [B]
57:2.15 [NB]
Sicily--see also Italy
46:2.66-68 [B]
Morgantina 47:3.50-52 [T]; 57:1.13 [NB]
Palermo--mummies 56:3.32-35
San Teodoro Cave 50:3.24 [NB]
Valley of the Temples 49:3.6 [P]
Silver--see also jewelry
British Museum 44:5.18 [NB]
Israel 45:6.28 [NB]
Slavery--see also African-American history
Harper's Ferry--Brown, John 46:3.72 [F]
New York City--Colonial--African Burial Ground
cultural continuity 48:5.14-15 [NB]
excavation 46:2.28-38
study of skeletal remains 46:2.36-37
Texas 56:4.42-47
South America--see also individual countries
Jesuits--El Dorado 54:2.46-52
South Carolina
Allendale--Topper Site 52:4.18 [NB]; 11/17/04
Citadel--Confederate burials 57:4.17 [NB]
Parris Island 49:5.20-21 [NB]
Santa Elena 44:6.52-59
Santee Canal 46:2.50
Sullivans Island 48:5.17 [NB]
South Dakota
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site 53:2.19 [NB]
Southeast Asia--see also individual countries
53:2.70-73 [B]
migration 50:2.20-22 [SR]
archaeological research 57:6.46-51
47:3.16 [NB]; 49:1.45-48
exhibition 56:2.54-55 [R,M]
Sima de los Huesos 50:3.30-33
Altamira 45:3.59 [MM]; 53:3.68-69 [B]; 54:2.72-75 [M]
Costa Brava 49:6.10-13 [I]
frigates--French and Indian War 52:6.18 [NB]
Gran Dolina 50:5.24 [NB]
prehistory 45:3.59 [MM]
Seville--Church of the Savior 57:3.12 [NB]
Viking ships 45:6.26 [NB]
Zafarraya Cave 48:5.12-13 [NB]
Sri Lanka
52:3.6 [P]
Buddhism 55:4.30-35
furnaces 49:5.21 [NB]
Temple of the Tooth 54:3.22 [NB]
Stamps 52:2.70-71
Stein, Sir Aurel
China 50:6.53-59
Stevens, Bradley
marine biologist--Kad'yak 8/26/04
Stone Age
48:2.84 [F]
megalithic portal website 55:2.58 [R,MM]
Stronach, David
award 57:2.6 [P]
interview 6/17/04
Strong, Eugenie Sellers
archaeologist 57:5.58 [R,B]
Sumeria--see also Mesopotamia
beer 44:4.24-27; 44:4.28,30-31; 44:4.32-33
cuneiform--clay balls 52:6.18 [NB]
hymn lyrics 44:4.29
Umma-Lagash--battle 44:1.12-14 [TL]
China--ghosts 48:5.49-52
Baltic Sea--shipwreck 55:4.11 [NB]
Iron Age temple 10/11/00
Alps 44:6.21-22 [NB]
Lake Constance 46:2.23 [NB]
Lake Neuchâtel 44:3.20 [NB]
Lucerne 44:4.21-22 [NB]
Mystery Park 57:1.62-67 [L]
Nyon 50:4.10 [NB]
Vallon 46:2.52-56
exhibition 54:4.66 [M]
Jerf el-Ahmar 53:6.56-59
ruins 49:5.48-53
satellite images--ancient roads 56:2.13 [NB]
Tell es-Sweyhat--cemetery 49:1.27 [NB]
Tell Halula--paintings 5/27/98
Tell Hamoukar 5/31/00
Taíno--see also Columbus, Christopher
Bahamas 45:1.51-54,56; 45:1.55
Cuba 51:5.20 [NB]
Dominican Republic 50:4.60-61
exhibition-NYC 54:1.67-68 [M]
Jamaica 45:1.73-74,76 [T]
Virgin Islands 55:3.13 [NB]
Tanzania--see also Africa, hominids
45:3.16-19,67 [TL]
Tattoos 52:2.54-57
Technology--see also tools
atlatls 54:5.20-21 [AS]
beer brewing 44:4.28,30-31; 54:6.10 [NB]; 57:6.32-33
cave art 44:6.24-31
engineering 50:5.89-90,92-93 [MM]
glue 5/21/98
jeweler's wheel 53:5.18 [NB]
military 56:4.56 [R,MM]
mirror-making 4/2/01
mummification 47:6.17 [NB]
sailing raft 55:2.48-52
toolmaking 54:3.26 [NB]
archaeology 52:5.50-55
ash analysis 4/7/97
carbon dating 44:5.19,84 [NB]
computer reconstruction system 7/29/97
dendrochronology 54:2.36-41
facial reconstructions 51:4.69-71 [B]
genetics 49:5.36
geoarchaeology 46:2.71-72 [MM]
geophysical imaging 49:2.36-40
ground penetrating radar 9/23/98
gun factory--Eli Whitney 50:5.100 [F]
satellite images
45:4.20-22 [TL]
Cambodia 49:5.14-16,18 [I]
Greece 49:4.11-13 [I]
Guatemala 51:4.12-18 [I]
ships 44:1.53-54
underwater 49:3.44-45; 52:3.10-12 [I]
Television--see also index of multimedia reviews
Archaeology Magazine--television series 46:4.67-68 [MM]
BBC--Spanish in Florida 45:3.72
Goths, Monguls, and Huns 57:1.56-57 [R,MM]
mummies and bones 12/2/04
Memphis 45:4.44-51
Nashville--Athenian Parthenon replica 46:6.89-91 [MM]
Shiloh National Military Park
ARPA--felony charges 45:4.16 [NB]
Native American mound erosion 50:3.27
new funding 51:1.27
Tennessee River--sites 53:3.12 [NB]
Austin--stolen pottery 55:1.20 [NB]
Camp Hearne 50:3.28 [NB]
Gault site 55:4.14 [NB]
Hueco Tanks--rock art 2/25/97
Hunt--Stonehenge II 54:4.80 [F]
Lewis Canyon 47:2.50-53
Matagorda Bay--La Salle's ship 49:1.23 [NB]; 2/27/98
Mertzon 47:1.26-27 [SR]
Midland 46:1.28 [NB]
Palo Alto 49:3.48-53
Pecos River 49:6.24 [NB]
plantation 56:4.42-47
Seminole Canyon 47:6.22 [NB]
Bolivia 46:1.20-22 [NB]
China 49:5.34 [NB]
Egypt 48:6.22-23 [NB]
Mesoamerica--Aztec 46:3.30-33,35-36
Peru 48:4.40-45
Turkey 46:6.20 [NB]
River Kwai 45:4.16 [NB]
Sukothai 49:2.12 [NB]
Thera 53:5.70 [M]
Thompson, Homer A.
archaeologist 53:4.8-11 [I]
Buddhist history 54:3.64-66 [FT]
Guge 56:3.36-39
perception of 57:2.40-45
caves 56:5.61-67 [L]
Tiscione, Peter
archaeologist 48:5.13 [NB]
Toltecs 49:4.59
Tombs--see also burials, human remains
Giza 50:1.39-43
Saqqara 6/11/97
Siwa Oasis--Alexander the Great 48:3.58-60
Valley of the Kings
Ramesses II's children
48:4.18-19 [NB]
undecorated tombs
Greece 4/15/98
Israel 50:1.25 [NB]
Italy 50:4.18 [NB]
Japan 50:4.12 [NB]
Chachapoya 51:2.48-54
Jequetepeque Valley 45:6.38-42
Lambayeque 45:6.30-37
Sipán 46:5.66-68 [M]
Pokrovka 50:1.44-48
Ukok priestess mummy 47:5.27 [NB]
Turkey 46:5.32-37,39
bone--Zaire 48:6.27 [NB]
China 53:1.14-15 [NB]
Ethiopia 50:2.13 [NB]
France--Châtelperronian 49:5.22
Diring Yuriakh--unifacial
choppers 50:3.21 [NB]
Uptar--fluted point
49:6.14-15 [NB]
South Carolina--Topper Site 52:4.18
wood--Germany--spears 50:3.25 [NB]
Cambodia 49:6.22 [NB]
Caribbean 49:1.79-84 [L]
Maya 44:2.14 [NB]
New Mexico 44:5.19 [NB]
travel--understanding cultures 55:1.5 [P]
Belize 47:1.60-62
Israel 46:6.18 [NB]
Oman 50:3.51-53
Republic of Cyprus v. Goldberg & Feldman Fine Arts 4/20/98
United States v. Frederick Schultz 4/22/02; 55:3.7 [P]
U.S. v. Mel Fisher 50:6.22 [NB]
Troy (see Turkey)
Mahdia--shipwreck 49:1.54-59
Anemurium 46:4.6 [P]
Antioch 53:6.69-70 [M]
Aperlae--church 53:6.26 [NB]
Asclepieum 54:2.92 [F]
capitals 5/6/00
Çan--sarcophagus 55:4.8 [NB]
Çatalhöyük 51:2.43-47; 52:3.19 [NB]
Çayönü 46:6.20 [NB]
coins 52:3.28 [NB]; 55:1.8 [NB]
crop domestication 51:1.18 [NB]
Ephesus--St. Paul 1/17/02
Gordion 55:1.44-49 [NB]
Hagia Sophia 6/2/98; 56:6.20-28
Hâkkari--stelae 53:4.46-51
Halicarnassus 46:5.32-37,39
Hellenistic architecture 46:5.73-76 [B]
Hierapolis 49:2.80 [F]
Hisarlik 44:5.54-59
illicit antiquities trade 48:2.44-56
Istanbul 45:6.72-75; 47:5.19 [NB]; 51:6.24-25 [NB]
Koran, gold 53:3.16 [NB]
Lycia 48:4.54-63
Lydian Hoard 46:6.20 [NB]
Magnesia ad Meandrum 1/29/01
Miletus--Cretan colony 57:3.10 [NB]
Nemrut Dag 55:6.32-35
photographs 2/13/98
Phrygia--King Midas 54:4.26-33
restoration 46:5.6 [P]
Sagalassos 48:3.28-34; 7-8/03; 57:5.36-39
Seljuk--silver coins 54:2.16 [NB]
Telli, Edip--smuggler 54:1.20 [NB]
Titris Höyük 49:2.23-24,26-27 [I]
Atlantis myth 47:5.68-71 [B]
Calvert, Frank 48:3.50-57
comic book 54:5.72-75 [MM]; 57:3.14 [CV]
excavations 57:3.36-41
exhibition 54:4.64-65 [M]
Goldmann, Klaus 46:6.26-32
history of 53:1.52-59
magnetometer survey 46:4.20 [NB]
mask of Agamemnon 52:4.51-59
Moss, Edward L. 55:1.54-58 [C]
movie 5/14/04
public outreach 46:5.88 [F]
Schliemann, Heinrich 46:6.33-36
size of city 47:1.18 [NB]
Üçagizli Cave--shell beads 55:3.12 [NB]
Zeugma 53:5.40-43; 55:5.62-63 [R,MM]
Chersonesos 55:6.18-25
Chorly stele 47:4.19 [NB]
Crimea 7-8/00
Pantikapaion 47:6.69-75 [L]
Pokrovka 50:1.44-48
Scythian warrior 50:5.32-39
art 44:4.50-53 [M]
epidemic 48:5.43-48
Underwater archaeology--see also ships
Abandoned Shipwreck Act 49:3.47
Emanuel Point Ship--Florida 51:1.42-46
history of 51:6.48-55
international waters 49:3.46-47
Law of the Sea agreement 47:6.26-27 [NB]
meat preservation 48:6.23-24 [NB]
Fisher, Mel--lawsuit 45:6.26-27 [NB]; 50:6.22 [NB]
science vs. salvors 52:4.8 [P]
scuba/submarines 49:3.44-45
Submerged Cultural Resource Unit 55:5.64 [R,B]
Titanic 49:3.40-43
UNESCO 9/8/99; 52:6.6 [P]; 6/10/00; 54:3.22 [NB]
United Arab Emirates
Neolithic pottery 57:5.10-11 [NB]
United States--see also individual states, Native Americans
American Antiquities Act 54:2.14 [NB]
Boy Scouts of America 54:1.18 [NB]
Fourth of July 53:4.12-13 [AS]
government funding of the arts 44:1.60-63
linguistics 47:4.17 [NB]
"memorial theme park" 54:3.84 [F]
movies 44:3.18 [NB]
National Historic Landmarks 3/15/00
National Park Service 55:3.60-61 [R,MM]; 7/23/03
NEH--NHPA 48:5.22-24,26-28 [VP]
Southern Cult (Southeastern Ceremonial Complex) 55:4.40-45
Casas Grandes 55:1.40-43; 56:4.61 [R,B]
political system 50:1.52-55
potsherd--stealing 53:1.88 [F]
warfare 52:3.67-73 [B]
topographic maps 48:1.23 [NB]
volunteer archaeology 48:1.66-73
treasure trove law 2/7/00
Canyonlands National Park 48:6.24-25 [NB]
Mountain Meadows 11/30/99; 9/16/03
petroglyphs defaced 1/31/00
Range Creek 57:6.40-44
San Rafael Swell 55:3.13 [NB]
Shoshoni 46:5.24 [NB]
Zion National Park 52:4.80 [F]
Alexander the Great 57:6.18-25
El Pital 47:3.16 [NB]
El Tajín 47:6.43-47
La Mojarra stela 47:5.51-53
Lake Champlain
diving 54:2.22-25 [AS]
gunboat--Benedict Arnold 50:5.22 [NB]
Revolutionary War--Great Bridge--remains 48:6.24 [NB]
Mirror Lake--Civil War--live ammunition 49:6.26-27 [NB]
Mount Independence 46:5.60-63 [L]
Cham civilization 45:3.52-55 [T]
cruise 46:4.48-50
Da Nang 49:2.20-22 [SR]
Hanoi--citadel 57:1.11 [NB]
exhibition 53:4.64-66 [M]
Denmark 53:6.21 [NB]
Greenland 2/28/00
Ireland 48:6.26 [NB]; 57:6.12 [NB]
Isle of Man 56:6.15 [NB]
Newfoundland 46:1.14-16,18 [TL]
Norway--ship 51:1.25 [NB]
replica ships 44:5.22-30; 45:6.26 [NB]; 57:6.12 [NB]
Russia--ship 7/29/97
Scotland 56:2.10 [NB]
Virgin Islands
44:5.19 [NB]
St. John--Taino caney 55:3.13 [NB]
Cactus Hill 4/10/00
Carter's Grove plantation 45:1.66-69 [M]
Charlottesville 46:3.44-49
Curles Plantation 44:4.54-57 [IF]
James Fort 49:6.18-19 [NB]
Jamestown 51:2.56-63; 51:5.18 [NB]; 52:2.25 [NB]
Madison, James 54:6.16 [NB]
Mount Vernon--distillery 4-10/03
Monticello 46:3.50-55; 7/29/97; 52:1.27 [NB]; 52:6.20 [NB]
Newport News--ironclad exhibition 57:6.58 [R,M]
Noël Hume, Ivor 46:2.23 [NB]
Petersburg National Battlefield 51:1.28 [NB]
Portsmouth 50:4.15 [NB]
Reed Creek Archaeological Society 1/31/00
canal boats 51:6.22 [NB]
DuVal pottery 3/18/02
Shenandoah National Park 53:1.44-51
exploring 53:4.38-44
Arizona 57:2.46-52
Bronze Age 53:4.16 [NB]
dog burial 57:4.14 [NB]
Roman--cup 57:2.13 [NB]
Wall paintings--see also art
Bonampak murals 50:3.34-40
Egypt 46:1.20 [NB]
Israel 46:6.18 [NB]
Pompeii 44:2.30-31
ancient technology 56:4.56 [R,MM]
prehistory 56:3.18-25
Washington, D.C.
Vietnam Memorial Wall 46:6.96 [F]
Washington State
Blaine--Lummi 53:3.12 [NB]
Kennewick--see Kennewick Man
West, John Anthony 47:3.65-66 [MM]
Canada 46:5.44-51
fossils 4/13/00
ancient Britain 53:2.29 [NB]
champagne in Rome 53:2.22 [NB]
drinking traditions 50:5.12,14,16-17,98 [I]
Egypt 51:4.28-34
health benefits of wine 49:2.23-24,26-27 [I]
history of winemaking 57:2.56-57 [R,B]
Iran 49:5.26 [NB]
Mediterranean and Near East 44:5.14-16,87 [TL]
Turkey 49:2.23-24,26-27 [I]
Gotteschall Rockshelter 46:2.22 [NB]
Historical Society Museum 54:6.13 [NB]; 11/20/01
House on the Rock 54:1.80 [F]
Ice Age--mammoth 55:4.50-54
rock art 1/30/01
World Wide Web--see also Multimedia Reviews
AncientSites 51:1.79-83 [MM]
archaeology weblog 55:5.66-67 [R,MM]
review of sites 50:1.74-77,80-83 [MM]; 50:2.71-74,76-77 [MM]; 53:5.78-82 [MM]
World Monuments Fund 52:6.28-31 [I]; 8/1/00; 10/11/01; 9/24/03
government records--3rd century A.D. 50:3.26 [NB]
manuscript--3rd-8th centuries B.C. 49:4.20-21 [NB]
Easter Island--inscriptions 49:4.18 [NB]
Egypt--inscriptions--3rd millennium B.C.
48:5.16 [NB]
curse tablets 48:2.16 [NB]
Hebrew text 49:3.21 [NB]
Mexico--Veracruz--La Mojarra stela 47:5.51-53
Pakistan 52:5.15 [NB]
ancient advertisements 44:2.72 [F]
graffiti 44:2.30-31
Rome--Latin inscription 47:5.22 [NB]
Sumeria--beer brewing 44:4.28,30-31
buffalo jumps 44:3.18 [NB]
Yellowstone National Park 49:4.18 [NB]
WW II--see also individual countries
Germany 53:5.88 [F]
MIAs 55:6.42-47; 55:6.45
Yadin, Yigael
archaeologist--Israel 47:2.59-61 [B]
megaliths 12/10/97
Juris Zarins interview 56:6.18 [CV]
Yu Weichao
archaeologist 53:5.34-38
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