(Cover Photo: Eric Lafforgue)
Petra's Sister City New excavations amid the rock-cut tombs of the Saudi desert
by Eric A. Powell
Lasers in the Jungle Full text! Airborne sensors reveal a vast Maya landscape by Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase,
and John F. Weishampel
Battle for the Xinjiang Mummies How an American researcher put himself at the center of an ethnic conflict in western China
by Heather Pringle
Neanderthal Genome Decoded Full text! Paleogenetics shows our ancient cousins aren't so extinct By Zach Zorich
Cities Upon Cities For almost 2,500 years, a succession of cultures rebuilt a ritual center in northeast Mexico by Tom Gidwitz
Rediscovering Paestum The forgotten Greek temples
of southern Italy
by Samir S. Patel
In This Issue Summing Up An editor's farewell by Peter A. Young
From the President A World of Surprises Celebrating the vision of ARCHAEOLOGY's editor in chief by C. Brian Rose
Letters Spotting looters in the field, the Kensington debate rages, respect for bog bodies, and bull scrota
From the Trenches Cracking the Pictish code, Maya doomsday app, medieval brain matter, a new hominid emerges, Tut's mummy ceremony, Rome's lead burrito burial, beauty of the oasis, Ulysses for kids, poison mummies of the Andes, Maya sculpture garden, economic evolution, the Donner Party's unfortunate dog, and the origins of moo-shu pork
Conversation Full text! A Louisville police detective takes early retirement to pursue his life-long passion
for archaeology
Insider Surprising new projects across Europe are rewriting the story of Jewish life in the Middle Ages
by Neil Asher Silberman
Letter from Finland
Climate change survival tips from
Neolithic seal hunters by Kate Ravilious
Artifact A painted scallop shell from southern Spain shows that Neanderthals had an artistic side