(Cover Photo: Ken Garrett)
America's First Pastime Did rolling stones spread Mississippian culture across North America? by Timothy R. Pauketat
Oceans of Dharma Can investigating India's medieval dams provide a model for bringing water to a billion people? by Samir S. Patel
New Home for Treasures of the Acropolis by Jarrett A. Lobell
The Man Under
the Jaguar Mountain
Full text! A new royal Maya tomb emerges from the tunnels beneath Copán's Acropolis
by Zach Zorich
Dark History of the White Death The million-year battle
between man and tuberculosis
by Lois Wingerson
From the President Everyone's Hero Ancient models, modern identity by C. Brian Rose
In This Issue Celebrating the Gods by Peter A. Young
Letters Spotting the Ice Maiden, hippies playing Monopoly, manioc mania, and gender-bending in ancient Greece
From the Trenches Irrigating Arizona, mammoth BBQ, Obama in Egypt, Stone Age superglue, origins of the devil, the first leper, digging the Wailing Wall, a urine-filled witch bottle, nonsense at the world's first temple, poisoned fish, and a marsupial lion
Conversation Expanded online-online version! An archaeologist from Blanding, Utah, talks about the federal arrests of 16 pothunters in his hometown
Full text!
Are graffiti-covered pottery sherds from a Roman city in Basque country the finds of a lifetime, or a bold, bewildering fraud?
Letter from Thailand Investigating the little-known "Log Coffin Culture" by Karen J. Coates
Artifact At 37,000 years old, the "Venus" of Hohle Fels is the earliest known depiction of the female form