Archaeology Magazine Archive

A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America

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On the Ides of August, the Belize Department of Archaeology (DOA) contacted the Western Belize Regional Cave project about a reconnaissance mission. The British Military needed archaeologists to evaluate an area deep in the jungles of Belize for archaeological material, and the DOA wanted another cave specialist to accompany their expert, archaeological assistant Rene Torres, to the field. This account details the events of the mission and the preliminary findings.

A Report on the August 2000 Chiquibul Expedition

August 21
Following a briefing, we set up camp and begin to get acquainted with each another.
August 22
We reach an old, out-of-use road into the jungle and are faced with an unpleasant situation.
August 23
We plan to spend the next three days camping in the high jungle.
August 24
We recon the area around the camp.
August 25
Discussion and conclusions

Cameron Griffith is co-director of the Western Belize Regional Cave Project.

Intro | Trip to Xibalba | Interview | Field Notes | Student Journals | Remote Sensing | Q&A | Map



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