Oil Spill Threatens History Archaeologists are racing to document the Gulf Coast's extensive shell middens, military forts, and historical fishing camps before they are mired in toxic gunk.
Digging A French Repast Swiss artist Daniel Spoerri's Lunch Under the Grass (1983) is excavated, offering a particular insight into the pretensions of the French intellectual and artistic elite 30 years ago.
Mesoamerica's Pyramid Pioneers What may be Mesoamerica's oldest known pyramid tomb, the 2,700-year-old crypt of a high-status man who died in his 50s, has been discovered.
![[map]](https://archive.archaeology.org/graphics/etc/worldmap.jpeg) World Roundup Recent discoveries around the globe
Egyptian Idol
Where's Cleo?
Off the Grid Jerald T. Milanich of the Florida Museum of Natural History suggests a stop at Crystal River Archaeological State Park.