(Cover Photo: Ken Garrett)
The Wreck of the Mermaid Hunting for Russalka, the Czar's lost ironclad by James P. Delgado
Unearthing the Tomb of the Badger An amateur archaeologist's rare Etruscan find by Marco Merola
Ghost Particles & Pyramids How physicists and archaeologists "see" inside ancient monuments
by Samir S. Patel
Afghanistan's Secret Treasure Revealing a nation's lost heritage
by Zach Zorich
The Starter Castle From wood, to stone, to five stars--the surprising tale of a German fortress
by Eti Bonn-Muller
What's the Point? Full text! The debate over Australia's magnificent spearheads by Eric A. Powell
Rock Music Remixing the sounds of the Stone Age by Lois Wingerson
From the President Stepping Forward New guidelines may help preserve sites by C. Brian Rose
In This Issue Dawn of Music? by Peter A. Young
Letters Debate over who owns antiquity, misquoted Hurrians
From the Trenches Tomb of the unknown jock, acrobat sacrifice, stealing Tut, Hadrian's mismatched head, sophisticated Neanderthals, digging Legos, floods ravage Midwest sites, sexy archaeology, our horses/ourselves, and the oldest arrow
Conversation Full text! Moscow's top archaeologist talks about digging in the Kremlin and why Russia and the United States have a lot in common
Insider Thebes, one of the world's most treasured cultural destinations, is falling prey to its own success
Letter from Pakistan: No Stone Unturned Trekking through dangerous territory
to unravel Indus civilization trade routes by Randall Law
Artifact A "dragonesque" link between Celtic and Roman art