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Monday, February 16
by Archaeology Magazine
February 16, 2009

Mysterious finds of human bones? Unsolved cases? If you are in Connecticut, state archaeologist Nicholas Bellantoni may be your man.

Interesting article about the history of the Museum of New Mexico, which was founded a century ago this week.

One of many stories out today about the loss of archaeological remains to illegal metal detectorists known as “nighthawks.”

Here’s the national survey from the UK revealing that the threat to heritage posed by illegal metal detecting is high but “arrest or prosecution remains at an all time low and penalties are woefully insufficient.”

A new novel, Land of Marvels, by Booker Prize winner Barry Unsworth, involves “a mix of patriots and capitalists and scholars and natives, with motives noble and base and sometimes a bit of both” in Iraq during the World War I era.

A look at the remains of a 12th-century watermill, one of the earliest ever found, discovered at Greenwich Wharf as developers prepared the way for a new building.

A brief note about the discovery of an ancient monolithic temple at Ardhnarishwar by the Archaeological Survey of India.

This update of the recent mummy find in Egypt adds new details.

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