This is the image of Lady Ti', Snake Queen, in the center of the city of Sak Nikte'.

4 AJAW; 13 YAX; u-CHOK-AJ; u-hi-B'AAH; 5-CH'E'N; K'UH-IXIK; o?-IX; TI'?; IX-AJAW-ka-KAN; TAN-na-CH'E'N-na; SAK-NIK-TE'; ya-ta-na; ya-AJAW-TE'-K'INICH; SAK-WAYIS-si; ?-ni; TI'-K'AWIIL; ya-YAL-IX; ?-?; ?

'(On) August 18, 731, she scattered incense. This is the image of (royal titles), Lady Ti', Snake Queen, in the center of the city of Sak Nikte'. (She is) the wife of (royal titles) Yuknoom Took' K'awiil, and the daughter of Lady (name eroded)'.

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