Experts Visit the Circle
"What was the Miami Circle?"
September 28, 1999
John Ricisak, archaeologist with Miami-Dade County Historic Preservation Division, says the archives, physical evidence, and archaeology check out.
Brent R. Weisman, chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of South Florida, Tampa, looks at the patterns of postholes.
George Luer, graduate student at the University of Florida and a 15-year veteran of Florida archaeology, describes how the Circle might have looked in prehistoric times. |
Herschel E. Shepard, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Architecture at the University of Florida, compares and contrasts the Circle to other Native American and various colonial sites in Florida. |
John Coker of Homestead's Southern Septic and Drainage, Inc., has seen over 100,000 septic tanks in his day, and this isn't one. |
Robert Carr and John Ricisak at Brickell Point (Al Diaz/Miami Herald Staff) |

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