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Wednesday, October 13
by Archaeology Magazine
October 13, 2010

A retired veterinarian has made the case that Britain’s iconic 13th-century B.C. Uffington White Horse is actually a depiction of a dog such as a wolfhound.

Several sarcophagi smuggled out of Egypt 50 years ago are heading back after U.S. authorities seized them according to Egypt’s chief archaeologist Zahi Hawass.

How many times can King Tut’s treasures be trotted out to amaze and astound us, asks culture critic Craig Silver. “Does it stack up to the ultimate lowbrow carny-sideshow of a cultural exposition or is it perhaps a form of stealth edification and ennoblement?”

Greek workers for the Ministry of Culture have shut down the Acropolis, a move related to contract negotiations. Meanwhile, a strike by railway workers is disrupting train services in the country.

Angeliki Simosi, director of Greece’s Department of Underwater Archaeology, says the search is on for a suitable museum location in which to showcase the country’s growing wealth of maritime archaeological finds.

Polish and Russian archaeologists have been called in to excavate the site of last April’s plane crash, which claimed the life of the Polish president and 95 others.

Researchers believe that tooth marks and other evidence on fossils of primates and human forebears indicate that predation by carnivores was an important factor in our evolution.

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