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Beyond Stone & Bone

TB or not TB
by Mark Rose
July 30, 2009

tb beggarMore than beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In fact, our training can determine what our “eye” sees. I was reminded of this while editing an article by Lois Wingerson about the evidence for ancient tuberculosis (see our September/October issue, which should be out in the next week or so). Many years ago, I happened to show a photograph of a small bronze figurine to a paleopathologist, Della C. Cook, at Indiana University. The bronze, without solid contextual evidence but likely from Alexandria and dating to the middle of the third century B.C., is in the collection of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. The photo of it I saw was published in a book called Master Bronzes from the Classical World, a catalogue of an exhibition that traveled the U.S. in 1967–1968. The author of the book, with S. F. Doeringer, was David Gordon Mitten, a curator at Harvard University Art Museums and specialist in classical bronzes.

So, what do an art historian and a paleopathologist see when they look at the same artifact? On page 23 of Master Bronzes, we read this:

The remorseless, almost repulsive realism with which the hunchback is endowed identifies him as a crippled beggar or fisherman who eked out bare subsistence on the street-corners and waterfronts of Hellenistic ports like Alexandria, the city which played a leading role in creating and maintaining genre subjects like these as a principal current in Hellenistic art.

Cook had a different take: the figure showed someone devastated by tuberculosis, with characteristic collapsing of the vertebrae.

While working on the tuberculosis story, I took the opportunity to revisit this bronze, directing two more scholars with strong credentials in the study of ancient tuberculosis to the museum’s website, where they could see a photograph of the bronze and read a description of it that largely matches that from Master Bronzes. Have a look yourself at

The museum says:

In Alexandria, capital of Hellenistic Egypt under the Greeks, a new school of art developed, which depicted “realistic” subjects from everyday life: women at market, fishermen, and beggars, who were portrayed as being repulsively ugly. This was for the amusement of the upper social classes, but was also intended to remind them of the transience of their own privileged position. The bronze figure of a grotesquely deformed beggar in the Hamburg collection is a rare masterpiece of this stylistic genre.

The paleopathologists have a different view. Arizona State University anthropologist Jane Buikstra, co-author with Charlotte A. Roberts of The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on a Reemerging Disease (2003), says “that looks like the typical kyphotic spine of TB.” And Mark Spigelman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem responds, “a gibbus malformation of his spine typical of…TB vertebral body collapse.” Okay—the figurine shows a man dying of tuberculosis.

What does it mean that we have two very different views of the same object? While the art historians clearly missed the boat in terms of what the figurine depicts, the paleopathologists would likely not be able to address social contexts, such as whether this was for the “amusement of the upper social classes” or perhaps meant to ward off a terrible affliction. Ultimately, I think art historians need to reach out to scholars with other areas of expertise when confronted with objects such as this. (I’ve noted myself chronic misidentifications by art historians of various marine critters depicted in ancient works, from frescoes to vase paintings.) But the real lesson is that if we want to get the most out of what we dig up today (or find in museum basements), we need to bridge the gaps between academic subjects and take a larger view.

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6 comments for "TB or not TB"

  • Reply posted by Daniel Molitor (July 31, 2009, 5:56 am):

    I would like to know what evidence supports the idea that statues such as this were for the “amusement of the upper social classes”? I can imagine that being a possibility (though a slim one, in my opinion – how amusing, really, is this piece?), but what written record or other historical evidence supports that conclusion?

    I’m not picking on art historians, mind you. I think archaeologists can fall into the same trap when they start labeling any unusual artifact a “ritual object.” Show me the evidence, please.


  • Reply posted by Denise Swoveland (August 3, 2009, 6:45 am):

    This article is fascinating and taking an intriguing took at different views on the same bronze figurine of a male beggar. I felt a sense of sadness and sufferingof the beggar. I never knew that anicent people suffer from tuberculosis. I am sure the man died of a devasting illness.
    From Queendenise36,sBlog


  • Reply posted by Gus Tarin (August 3, 2009, 7:21 pm):

    Poor man! Just goes to show what can happen when there isn’t a good national health care system.


  • Reply posted by Maria Eliferova, PhD (August 7, 2009, 1:32 am):

    Well, it is also risky to draw medical conclusions from art. I have read a really brilliant article on Dostoyevsky, whose author argued that Stavrogin was a schyzophreniac. Though his observations look striking, they hardly tell us anything of Dostoyevsky’s intention (he was, after all, a moralist little interested in medical matters).
    But I think that both views have value for understanding the ways of our ancestors’ thinking. Both might be true (yes, it IS a sick person; yes, the image WAS meant for amusement). Greeks had little sympathy with ‘les miserables’: I remember a poem (now I forgot by which Greek author) where a peasant wakes up hungry and has to feed on dill and garlic because he has nothing else to eat. This was intended to be very funny! Nowadays, we would frown upon laughing at starving people, but Greeks thought it appropriate.


  • Reply posted by Daniel Molitor (August 9, 2009, 8:35 am):

    @ Maria:

    Thanks for the insight! I’d love to know the name of the Greek poem/author, if it ever returns to memory!


  • Reply posted by Dan Hilborn (August 9, 2009, 1:09 pm):

    I believe there is a passage very similar to that the described by Dr E. in a Roman era book –
    The Satiricon by Petronius Arbitro.


About Our Blogger:

Heather Pringle is a freelance science journalist who has been writing about archaeology for more than 20 years. She is the author of Master Plan: Himmler's Scholars and the Holocaust and The Mummy Congress: Science, Obsession, and the Everlasting Dead. For more about Heather, see our interview or visit

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