Archaeology Magazine Archive

A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America

Special Introductory Offer!
Departments Volume 50 Number 1, January/February 1997

In This Issue
Hot News
Keep up with breaking stories on line! By Peter A. Young
From the President
Archaeology Be Dammed
Dam builders and archaeologists vie for China's past. By Stephen L. Dyson
Letters What's the Point?, Celtic Divinity, Linking the Evidence, Anderson Supporter
Eighth Wonder of the World
A perilous journey through Pakistan's Karakoram yields traces of the ancient Silk Road. By James Wiseman
Special Report
A Battle Over Bones
Lawyers contest the fate of an 8,400-year-old skeleton from Washington State. By Andrew L. Slayman
Letter From New York
America's Forgotten War
The French and Indian War determined the course of American history. Why do so many Americans know so little about it? By David R. Starbuck
Unearthing the Human Mind
What does the archaeological record tell us about human cognitive abilities? The Prehistory of the Mind: The Cognitive Origins of Art, Religion, and Science. By Steve Mithen. 288 pages. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1996. ISBN 0-500-05081-3. $27.50. Reviewed by April Nowell. (Check out ARCHAEOLOGY's latest list of books received.)
At the Museums
Variations on Antiquity
Five major institutions--the Metropolitan Museum, the British Museum, the University of Pennsylvania Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Vatican Museums--have undertaken the renovation of their classical galleries. By Angela M.H. Schuster, Larissa Bonfante, and Antonia Rallo. (Check out ARCHAEOLOGY's latest list of museum exhibitions.)
What's On Line?
An introduction to the World Wide Web of Archaeology. By Jessica E. Saraceni
Antique Archaeologists
Old archaeologists would rather publish than perish. By John L. Cotter
© 1997 by the Archaeological Institute of America

