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Index of Newsbriefs Volume 56 Number 5, September/October 2003

(Click on the title of a newsbrief to see the full text.)

Latest News The best source for archaeological news online, updated by 6pm EST weekdays
Live from Inner Mongolia Mongolian state television recently featured a live broadcast of archaeologists opening a Liao Dynasty coffin.
Elusive Ice Age Art Britain's first Ice Age cave art was recently discovered by a team of British and Spanish archaeologists.
Far-Flung Figurines A new sourcing technique has determined that red figurines found in sites across the American South were made of flint-clay mined near Cahokia.
Bowled Over A very early civilization has been discovered by a team of French and Ecuadorian archaeologists in Ecuador.
Neolithic Nightmare More than 100 skeletons some showing evidence of extreme violence have been found at the Austrian site of Asparn.
Ancestromorphs? Anthromorphs are among the more than 200 figures identified in a recent discovery of 4,000-year-old Aboriginal rock art in eastern Australia.
Top-Notch Tomb A 1,500-year-old Zapotec tomb has been discovered in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Quarry Excavations Egyptian archaeologists have recently removed dust and debris from the famous granite quarry in Aswan.
Race for Early Rice Korean archaeologists have announced that remains of rice grains collected from the Paleolithic site of Sorori in Chungbuk Province yielded a radiocarbon date of about 14,000 B.P.

© 2003 by the Archaeological Institute of America



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