Archaeology Magazine Archive

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Index of Newsbriefs Volume 56 Number 4, July/August 2003

(Click on the title of a newsbrief to see the full text.)

Latest News The best source for archaeological news online, updated by 6pm EST weekdays
Dental Wealth A recent discovery suggests a barbarian tribe known to the Chinese as the "Gold Teeth" may have acquired its name quite literally.
Soil Savers Disappearing populations result in severe erosion according to new research in central Mexico.
Mummy Faces Chinese researchers have successfully re-created the original appearance of two people mummified 1,700 years ago.
Maya Turncoat A hieroglyphic stela from Moral-Reforma in Mexico shows that low-level kings were savvy players in the deadly game of Classic Maya politics.
All Pots Bulletin The University of Alabama has launched a cyber dragnet to locate hundreds of pots stolen in 1980.
Ironclad Identified? A remote-sensing survey has identified possible remains of CSS Virginia in the James River.

© 2003 by the Archaeological Institute of America

