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Friday, July 30
July 30, 2010

Seventy-nine sets of human remains dating to the seventh century were discovered inside a stone wall at the remote Kuelap fortress in northern Peru, which was built around 1000 A.D. Archaeologist Alfredo Narvaez explained that the people building the fortress brought their dead with them for reburial.

A genetic study of mitochondrial DNA taken from live donkeys and donkey bones from archaeological sites suggests that the beast of burden was domesticated over a long period of time in North Africa.  

A magnetometry team from the University of Toronto has found a clear boundary between the city at Tel Tayinat, located in southern Turkey, and the area outside of it.  

Istanbul will remain on the World Heritage List. UNESCO has warned that the city’s historic sites have not been conserved according to international criteria. 

The Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory will be in charge of conserving the wooden ship timbers taken from the World Trade Center site this week.  And here’s more information on the ship itself.  

A wooden shipwreck that turned up on a Narragansett beach may have been caught in a net 20 years ago by a commercial fishing vessel, and kicked around by a hurricane before that. “She obviously has been exposed several times, and there is evidence of burning. God knows how many decades she might have come and gone out of the dunes,” said Kathy Abbass of the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project.

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Thursday, July 29
July 29, 2010

There’s more information on the HMS Investigator, discovered by Parks Canada archaeologists in the icy Arctic waters near Bank’s Island. “It’s in surprisingly good condition. The reason we were so lucky in a way was because the ship had not moved too much from the place it was abandoned,” said Marc-Andre Bernier, head of underwater archaeology.  The Investigator was sent to search for the lost Franklin Expedition, but it is also known as the ship that provided metal and wood to the Inuit. “In anthropological terms, this is the most important shipwreck in history … This was the first contact with the Copper Inuit; it’s a bit like finding a Columbus ship in the Arctic,” enthused Parks Canada archaeologist Ryan Harris.

The aft section of the eighteenth-century ship unearthed at the World Trade Center site may have been destroyed when a concrete wall was poured last year. “It’s always better to have the entire artifact. But any part of an eighteenth-century ship is still great and exciting,” said Amanda Sutphin of the city Landmarks Preservation Commission.    

Some 60 weapons and tools used by warriors some 2,400 years ago were uncovered at the site of Bastida de Les Alcusses in Spain.  

An undisturbed garbage pit from a feast and some carefully placed offerings are being excavated at Marden Henge, which sits halfway between Stonehenge and Avebury. Recently discovered stone-working tools and stone flakes suggest that the sarsens of Stonehenge were formed at Marden.  

Two Roman forts have been found on the same site in Exeter, England. The first was probably built during the Roman campaign for the area, and the second would have been used by the troops after the locals had been subdued.  

Renovation of the 7,000-year-old Arbil citadel in Kurdistan has begun.  

Physicists have examined Maya blue pigment to come up with a modern version of the long-lasting dye.  

Another high school class ring has been returned to its owner. This one was recovered at the San Jacinto battlefield while archaeologists were looking for artifacts related to the fight for independence in Texas.  

Flooding in Fall River, Massachusetts, revealed an intact bear bottle embossed with the name and logo of the King Phillip Brewing Company. The bottle dates to the early twentieth century. “I’d never even heard of the brand and I’ve been a beer drinker all my life,” said Donald Arsenault, whose buddy pulled the bottle out of the ground.

Sorry for the delay today folks, I had some technical difficulties.

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