Archaeology Magazine Archive

A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America

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The Manege Dig Volume 50 Number 4, July/August 1997
by Alexander Veksler

[image]Rescue excavations preceded the construction of a $350-million, four-level arcade in Manege Square adjacent to the Kremlin. (Nicole Prevost-Logan) [LARGER IMAGE]

For more than two and one-half years Russian archaeologists and foreign volunteers laid bare, foot by foot, the remains of wooden and cobbled streets, stone and log foundations of buildings and bridges, wells, gutters, cellars, burials, weapons, jewelry, and household possessions spanning eight centuries of human activity in Manege Square. Today, a four-level underground shopping mall and parking garage occupy this historic space adjacent to the Kremlin, where for centuries merchants traded their wares and where, in more recent times, soldiers assembled on holiday mornings to parade across Red Square.

* Abstract of companion article: "Moscow Reclaims Its Past," by Nicole Prevost-Logan
* Abstract of companion article: "Mystery Monasteries," by Leonid A. Beliaev

© 1997 by the Archaeological Institute of America

